Hello Puppets: Midnight Show(SPOILERS) Rosco The Big Doggo Origin Backstory Explained! (Game Lore)

This is the kind of juicy lore I’ve been WAITING for. I’m shocked at this turn of events, definitely thought Riley brought her pupper back somehow.


15 thoughts on “Hello Puppets: Midnight Show(SPOILERS) Rosco The Big Doggo Origin Backstory Explained! (Game Lore)”

  1. I mean. Just imagine if you were in Riley’s shoes..Err I mean position as she’s basically a puppet (she basically has no shoes or feet). You’re pet you thought was gone being right in front of you, but they are basically being commanded to KILL YOU if you so much as make one little mistake. So you just have to play along and try to be happy having your pet back, deep down knowing that Mortimer could make them snap at any moment if you screw up or he could just straight up BLOW THEM UP if you complain or think about trying to talk behind his back. Needless to say I’d be pretty dang terrified of messing up something. (Am I thinking too deep into this? Probably yes. But I honestly feel..kinda bad for Riley. Is that weird?)

  2. When we connect this up to the main game, this explains why Nick Nack is only seen in the darkness through the vr game and in the far back. He saw what happened here as his fault, now we just need an explanation to why daisy looked so awful in the main game and why Riley’s mouth is different in the main game and here


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