Heavens Savior Test & Bug Report | Warpath


7 thoughts on “Heavens Savior Test & Bug Report | Warpath”

  1. Thanks so much for the video – I have 900 statues sat waiting for my airforce and simply can not decide if to go Brisk for pure kills or Saviour for bomber support. I suspect as your friend suggested, HS only supports your own troop – this is the same for ALL officer skills. No officer skill helps other players.

    I am afraid you really need to get someone (like Zero etc – I can ask skittles) to do the testing with both a maxed fighter with Saviour and a maxed bomber and see the results.

  2. Sounds like only buffing your own troops is right. Otherwise I was going to suggest doing it with the HS fighters engaged with the base before the bombers arrive, maybe it has to be ‘active’ for it to work


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