Heavenly Ascent or Hellish Descent: You're Always Unknowingly Choosing Your Spiritual Floor

The Spiritual Elevator where Gravity (the manifestation of Earthly Desires) will always put a strong force to bring it down, if you don’t make an effort to press the buttons of destiny to reach higher floors.

Video Chapters :
00:00 The Binary code system of the heavens vs the Fir’aunic system
02:09 Practice humility and learn to shut off to draw nearer to Allah’s (AJ) mercy
03:55 Not feeling anything? It’s because of your ‘on’ state
04:28 The material world system is designed to make you a ‘1/on’ and kill the heart
05:11 Only tariqah is teaching the real Islam and submission through their system of humility
07:03 Allah (AJ) draws you near through humility and crushing, accept it to reach Allah’s (AJ) safety
12:44 This world is upside-down. Those who appear high are in the pits of hellfire
14:50 There is no neutral, by virtue of gravity if you’re not ascending then you’re going down
20:24 There’s less humans on higher floors but they’re full with spiritual beings
24:05 Some relationships don’t exist on higher floor and therefore separation occurs
25:17 Satan is fooling people who think they can take their own elevator. Only those with a shaykh are safeguarded
27:32 The signs of people going down and compromising their Islam we see on social media
29:48 Shaykh Nazim’s (Q) miracle of simplifying immense realities

Recorded : 20230428

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32 thoughts on “Heavenly Ascent or Hellish Descent: You're Always Unknowingly Choosing Your Spiritual Floor”

  1. Video Chapters :

    00:00 The Binary code system of the heavens vs the Fir’aunic system

    02:09 Practice humility and learn to shut off to draw nearer to Allah’s (AJ) mercy

    03:55 Not feeling anything? It’s because of your ‘on’ state

    04:28 The material world system is designed to make you a ‘1/on’ and kill the heart

    05:11 Only tariqah is teaching the real Islam and submission through their system of humility

    07:03 Allah (AJ) draws you near through humility and crushing, accept it to reach Allah’s (AJ) safety

    12:44 This world is upside-down. Those who appear high are in the pits of hellfire

    14:50 There is no neutral, by virtue of gravity if you’re not ascending then you’re going down

    20:24 There’s less humans on higher floors but they’re full with spiritual beings

    24:05 Some relationships don’t exist on higher floor and therefore separation occurs

    25:17 Satan is fooling people who think they can take their own elevator. Only those with a shaykh are safeguarded

    27:32 The signs of people going down and compromising their Islam we see on social media

    29:48 Shaykh Nazim’s (Q) miracle of simplifying immense realities

  2. Assalam o alaikum sayyidi Baba jaan, May Allah bless you always for everything. please see if your student understood:

    The fir’aunic system deals with everyone being controlled into a system-the ones who have will be powerful &the rest are to be kept busy in ignorance-
    Allah’s system teaches us how it’s complete opposite of this fir’aunic system. While we drown ourselves into the “I-ness”, auliya teach us to be humble, and continue to be more humble with each passing day so that we can be closer and closer to Allah’s Divine Grace.
    Everything being propagated in today’s social media platforms is designed around making a person turn to an insatiable appetite for self entitlement; killing the heart- the nafsani lower morality.
    Tariqahs teach us the higher standards of morality, how to be the best version of ourselves, & submission to Allah and the prophet’s teachings.
    What we know of the correct teachings of Islam today are all thanks to these Ulul amr, who teach us to always be humble-
    To always be in the state of being a nuqt- nothing! There is no entitlement, there is no I there’s only THE ONE &THE ONLY.
    The dunya pulls us down by deluding us into thinking we’re something- or capable of being something-

  3. Part 2: The teaching of surah kahf from these ulul amr is to be from the people of the cave, who are in the safety and guidance of the prophet, seeking Allah’s Divine Grace, no matter how humiliated we be in this worldly life, the real piety will be tested. The tricky slopes of the material world are nothing but deceptions along the way. For those who took the path of nothingness to reach to The One, need to reach to their nothingness before they can reach to the Divine Presence.
    If one understood this correctly, one must know all of the badness has to be brought down, burned, until there is no “l” that’s left.

  4. Part 3: Everything in physical world is the exact opposite.
    So the pursuit of reaching high is not true success and true requirement – but to remain humble no matter what happens. True humility will inevitably appear to the shaykh because he can see how much gravity you still have- because that’s what they’ve been teaching- the system of the world we’re in we’re to strife against- if we really contemplate honestly how we have been from last year to this year- what choices we have made along the way and how they have affected us, where we got in the spiritual ascension or did we ascend at all?!
    Every action is being observed.
    May Allah forgive our shortcomings and success in this jihad e Akbar.

  5. Subhan'Allah….guidance is only from Allah (AJ). May Allah keep us on this blessed path with our Beloved Shaykh. We can't reach higher levels by ourselves…May Allah (AJ) not leave us to ourselves not for a blink of an eye.
    – Shaitan fools people to think what's bad is good
    – Tariqah's elevator is very strong, and they take you up
    – As you go up in the heavens there will be less people on those floors
    – Cause most people are on very fast elevators going down
    May Allah protect us from that…Ameen
    JazaakAllah khair Ya Sayyiddi for these heavenly knowledge.

  6. Thank you for all your help and immense wisdom, Shaykh. May Allah help us clean ourselves so that our energy can increase and manifest to fight the inner demons. May Allah bless you and everyone else watching. 🎉🎉🎉

  7. Assalamualaikum WRWB Beloved Sayyidi. Every time Allah wants to draw you near, He humbles and humiliates you. Bow down and stay silent. The more you bow down the higher your rise. Old relationships fall behind. You rise to the company of pious souls. You do not see them but you feel their presence.


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