Heaven Sent: Doctor Who's Ultimate Masterpiece

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22 thoughts on “Heaven Sent: Doctor Who's Ultimate Masterpiece”

  1. I will always see this as the very last 10/10 episode of Doctor Who. There were good ones after, but for me, none had quite the impact that this one had. You can see yourself in this story, whether you have lost somebody close or are going through a difficult time in your life, its here to remind you that the wall will be broken.

  2. The best thing about this episode for me personally is how well it encapsulates 12. I've been thinking of this idea that certain emotions have guided each Doctor incarnation with New Who. 9's being Guilt, the sole survivor. 10's is Loneliness. He starts with being the lone Time Lord, then turns into being alone because he loses Rose, and he's worried about what'll happen when he is finally alone. 11 turns that into Companionship, almost to a nauseating degree. He would and DID burn the entire universe for the Ponds, multiple times. 13's is Joy, she would smile in the face of every danger no matter how terrified she could be. And as for 12, it's Grief. You see it as Clara joins 11, he wants to wallow in his grief for losing the Ponds. However because Clara becomes an absurd mystery to him he fixates on it, taking him out of his grief a little. But with all the years he spends on Trenzalore with The Time of the Doctor, he sits and wallows in it again, forcing it into the new form he becomes. And that's why this works so well as an episode before the finale. It's him truly exploring what that grief is, why it controls him, and how can he get above it again because the universe needs him. Truly a beautiful episode

  3. I'm gonna go out in a limb and say the first one was meant to be a fairy tale of sorts. They've said it's not a three parter, but I get the sense the toy maker is already playing with us. This is the fairy tale before the storm, and arguably before some kind of soft reboot with Ncuti.

    As for the "sexism", I agree it was just a joke that fell flat. I'd go further and say they don't literally just "let go", something more complicated is going on and they're just explaining it away like wibbly wobbly timey wimey. But find it hilarious the groups that are shouting sexism have never shown any interest in gender portrayals before.

  4. I will more than likely die on this hill alone, but I did not really like Heaven Sent/Hell Bent. I found it a very boring two episodes, and usually skip over this section of Doctor Who due to that. I believe one of the best episodes was The Angels Take Manhattan, I cannot help but cry every time the doctor loses Amy & Rory.

  5. I just want to say this episode was great and I love how if your paying attention you can predict where the doc is along side him. Sure he’s running thousands of calculations in his head at the same time but you can’t tell me as soon as he got to the teleportation room he knew it was galifreyan in orgin. It screams Timelord tech

  6. I'm sorry, what, Amy and Rory most definitely felt the impact of that, they almost divorced while the doctor was away for like half a year! They're the sort of people who drown their feelings in work, especially Amy! If you don't get that, there's no point watching the rest of this.


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