Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Review – PART 39 – Chapters 124-125! BLACKWATER'S REVENGE?!


I thought the last set of chapters was one of the best reveals I’ve read in a while — and this set of chapters just keeps the roller coaster MOVING! MY EMOTIONS!

The BlackWater Demon Xuan is bound and determined to get his revenge — but there might be more going on under the surface than our cinnamon bun deity once thought and Hua Cheng is being suddenly mysterious about it! MORE than just teases in this set, but DEFINITELY A CLIFFHANGER!

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20 thoughts on “Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Review – PART 39 – Chapters 124-125! BLACKWATER'S REVENGE?!”

  1. It's always nice when you experience a well-foreshadowed plot twist and can look back on all the little details which pointed towards the conclusion. Most of your reasoning in the last video for why this reveal made sense was totally validated by chapter 124, and for me, this all really enhanced my appreciation for the writing. And you were spot-on with He Xuan's hate as a contrast to Hua Cheng's love 🙂

    RIP Shi Wudu, lol. Have to echo the sentiment that he's a very love-or-hate character—definitely one of my favourites, though.

    Re: "xuan" as a hint, imo it's less obvious in Chinese. While it'd be directly observable that there's the same "xuan" (玄) in both Shi Qingxuan's name and Black Water's title, I'd imagine that the relatively conspicuous transliteration in "Black Water Demon Xuan" (黑水玄鬼) actually makes this quite noticeable in English. Personally, while reading, my brain just glossed over this; 玄 is a common (and often vague) descriptor in fantasy novels. It has a variety of different meanings ("black" is one, certainly) including things like "mystical", many of which could reasonably be applied to a water ghost regardless. The apparent adjective+noun construction of 玄鬼 also isn't conducive to viewing 玄 in of itself as a name. (I don't think it's a particularly common given name in real life, either.)

    Or I might have been a bit oblivious, that works too. Probably should have paid more attention once He Xuan's name was specifically brought up as a plot point XD

  2. Welp…RIP Water Master. I think it was amazingly well-done of MXTX to make his end so complicated in regard to emotional impact. One one hand, we readers don't care all that much – he wasn't likable and we didn't spend much time getting to know him. On the other hand, we do know and love the Wind Master, for whom this is a really devastating, horrible, tragic event. On another hand (because we're octopi in this situation), I couldn't help but both cheer He Xuan on and admire his gruesome revenge tactics – he's soooooo cold and single-minded. On yet another appendage, Xie Lian's feelings about everything were mostly kept out of it (aside from shock and horror) – he's stuck as the witness with no ability to interfere or even comfort the Wind Master.

    Ha, Hua Cheng took his powers back with a kiss! But Xie Lian wants them again…is this an instance of "tongues battling for dominance" that fanfic writers either use too much or laugh at? It's an epic make-out session anyway – great for us and upsetting to Qi Rong, ROFL! The imagery for every Qi Rong scene is always so damn funny, from his outrageous cursing to him being casually ignored by everyone. But the Wind Master has disappeared and Xie Lian can't hop into his body anymore.

    Poor Pei Ming's been busy building coffin-boats all this time and didn't even realize his powers were usable again. He has a rather detached reaction to his best friend's death. He was willing to help behind the scenes, presumably, but Fate is Fate and Water Master brought all this down on himself. Heavenly gods seem to be dropping like flies.

    So, if Black Water didn't strike the death blow to the Earth Master (the real one) and he didn't drag those fishermen into the calamity…who did? And why? Hua Cheng could be wrong, but we don't really think he's lying, right? Yet another mystery to add to the list of unanswered questions that have been piling up since the beginning. At least we got a bunch of answers regarding this particular case.

  3. I literally had to edit the comment 3 times before I let it out lol

    I like the changes in your voice and your face when you read the lines from different characters! When you went from the depressing death of Shi Wudu😵 and Qingxuan's breakdown😭 to excitingly shipping Hualian 💋💋💋💋…PURE GOLD!!! ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥

    Honestly Hualian is the most healthy couple from MXTX in my opinion, their moments can be mundane, thank god, MXTX adding spices here and there. However, the plots around them are already stressful🤕❤‍🩹, I'm glad that they have good communication, mutual respect, and are there for each other as they grow than fighting each other for the sake of dynamic drama. 

    PS. For the sandalwood, in my country it when someone die, we'll make flowers out of sandalwood, offering it to the death as the final gift before the cremation. One time I bought a sandalwood perfume, and I accidentally went overboard with it LOL Literally everyone I met that day gave me weird looks 😐.

  4. Romania do you remember when they where in the old abandoned water and wind tempal and the water master statue had it's head broken and the wind master's statue had it's……………🙃😶😳

  5. Thanks for the reaction!

    A RIP to the water master, who's the first one that we actually portraited their death (I know we have countless ghosts running around but IIRC it's the first time we witness the death of a supporting character with a name, not in flashbacks or in other people's stories)

    Hualian: aggressively making out in the yard
    QR: And I take that personally

    Well, the wind-water-earth arc seems to be coming to a conclusion, but there seems to be more mystery going on as we have someone randomly throwing people into the sea…

  6. I’m honestly a little impressed by how long Blackwater held his grudge against the Water Master. That is a really long time to hate someone and plan their down fall.

  7. I have a question the phrase that Shi wudu said "The fate is up to me not the heavens" doesn't look identical with the phrase Xie Lian said in book 2( I think) to guoshi I searched it "Guoshi‌ ‌looked‌ ‌away,‌ ‌Then,‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Highness,‌ ‌let‌ ‌me‌ ‌ask‌ ‌you.‌ ‌If‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌really‌ ‌do‌ ‌
    convict‌ ‌you?‌ ‌Will‌ ‌you‌ ‌apologize‌ ‌then?” ‌
    And Xie Lian said
    “If‌ ‌that‌ ‌should‌ ‌happen,‌ ‌then,‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌are‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌wrong.‌ ‌I‌ ‌am‌ ‌right.‌ ‌I‌ ‌will‌ ‌stand‌ ‌
    against‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌and‌ ‌defy‌ ‌until‌ ‌the‌ ‌end.”‌ ‌
    I think one of the causes of the reaction of Xie Lian .I don't know but when I see the video and hear the phrase again stuck to my mind .😮

  8. If you think about it, Shi Wudu attacking his brother and provoking Black Water in order to find a “third path” actually worked out for him. He knew his brother couldn’t kill him, but he refused to let his brother’s fate be switched with a madman. So what does he do?
    Play on the weird relationship between Black Water and Wind Master, and provoke him into killing him instead of making his brother do it. He forces Black Water to kill him in order to keep Wind Master alive, which seems to be the one thing he’s adamant about.
    Yes Wind Master is still going to be traumatized by all of this — but at least his fate wasn’t switched… and he didn’t have to be the one to kill his own brother.

    Now the question is, did Black Water recognize this? How much did he ACTUALLY want to devastate the Wind Master… and did he end up killing Shi Wudu because it gave him an easy out, even though he was the one who gave the ultimatum in the first place?
    It’s an all-lose all-win sort of weird situation. Hard to articulate or describe. But it HURTS NO MATTER WHAT 😭😭😭

  9. I just realised, that Qirong is basically Hualian's dog.
    Anyways~ The whole "does Black Water actually like Qingxuan" question. No spoilers here, it's just me being philosophic.
    It's easy to hate someone you don't know, from afar, while you are wallowing in your grudge and lamenting your terrible fate. But once he actually got close to Qingxuan, he learnt, that he is a good guy who was very kind to him and with whom he finally had some nice times after a long period of suffering. And if someone treats you nicely for hundreds of years, even if you are mad they are ignorant about everything, it still gotta affect you some way…And Hexuan was an upstanding guy while alive (we can argue he still is), it's not like he was a sociopath. But he is a ghost now and what's tying them to the Earth is an obsession. So he definitely gotta have some crazy feelings going on. His only luck was, that Shi Wudu didn't turn out to be exactly a lovely person, so he didn't need to feel conflicted there 😅 How would the story go if Shi Wudu was a Xielian 2??
    But boi, do I love Shi Wudu's last speech. He was like, I've had an AMAZING life lol eat shit😂! His personality is so strong, no wonder he was one of the most worshipped gods.
    Yizhen! I totally forgot he was there. His Pei Ming drag was so funny 😭

  10. Pour one out for the real ming yi. He had nothing to do with anything, but he gets kidnapped before he even reaches the heavens and spends the next couple centuries imprisoned, and then when he finally escapes and calls for help he's killed. I personally think hes the biggest victom in all this.
    I love how you were so shocked at what was happening you didn't even try censoring yourself and just said "what the fuck", 😂.
    Also I didnt think dog fucker meant xie lian was "taking it from behind", I thought he literally meant xie lian fucks dogs.

  11. I've been waiting for your discussion of these chapters for soooo long omg xD, I really wanted to hear your thoughs about it and it's cool cuz we're actually on the same page for a lot of things, this whole story is so chaotly tragic tbh but here are my thoughs on it, obviously about these set of chapters only so no spoilers don't worry

    So He xuan is a very interesting character indeed, and I DO agree with you that in some way he grew some kind of feelings or affection for Shi Qingxuan actually his "tsundere" behaviour might have been his frustration about it, but yeah he at least he cared for him enought to at some point wanting to leave him out of his revenge and spare him, but when SQX chose SWD even after knowing the truth (I mean understandably so since it's still his brother after all) he felt hurt and betrayed and you know being a ghost full of resentment went Bersek, and I'm not trying to justify HX because what he did was still cruel and messed up obviously, but I understand where he comes from too, honestly it feels to me like he had conflicted emotions towards SQX, like he obviously never really wanted to kill him and was trying to avoid his death at all cost so I don't know he's totally a complex character

    About Shi Wu du sight I honestly don't know what to feel about him, this may be controversial but I don't think I feel that bad for his death, at least not for him but for SQX who had to see his brother die like that, I mean I loved that he loved his brother so much I do, but that was like his only good quality? He obviously never felt remorse for what he did he's too arrogant for that, and his last words kinda threw me off 😐

    And our precious Wind master, he's obviously the one I feel worse for, all the trauma that whole exchange must have caused him, again seeing his brother die such terrible death at the hands of the person he trusted the most and considered his best friend for so long, the guilt he must have felt thinking he's in part the cause HX ended in such a state, I wanna give him hugs 😭

    And not me fangirling over Hualian making out but questioning myself if I should be excited and fangirling about this not knowing what happened to WM, like MXTX what is this scene after all that traumatic set of events? my emotions are all over the place now 😂

    This arc was so intense a lot of people actually compare it to MDZS's Yi city arc, and i mean I can kinda see that, like yeah it's a side story, told on our main character's POV while he's watching everything from the eyes or someone involved by some sort of magical technique (soul shifting spell and empathy), and ofcourse it's super messed up, complex, and you know PURE PAIN AND TRAGEDY, they're obviously completely different stories but I think it's still an interesting comparison, not in terms of content exactly but on impact on the novel for sure, although I must say, even thougt I love Yi city arc black water arc hurt me waaaay more tbh 😵

    Anyways sorry for the long comment I have no one to vent over my favorite characters and their tragic stories in real life and this is like one of my fave parts in the novel (yeah I'm kinda the masochist) hahah it's cool to have people in the internet to do so xD

  12. omg, Qi Rong's reaction was so hilarious!! 😀
    I loved these chapters! I do respect that the Water Master did what he did for reasons, but he was so cruel till the end. I felt so heartbroken for He Xuan, those were some harsh words. That moment you wanna hug your supreme ghost buddy haha I may or may not be shipping beefleaf very hardly rn, I know it's kinda wrong but you knowwww.. 😀
    Thanks for the reaction, youre the best! <3

    I can't believe everything that happens in chapter 124, it's just nuts wth. And then the other chapter being somewhat lovely and funny 😶
    I'd like to believe that Water Master's last speech was kinda like episode 1-2 from Death Parade, acting for his loved person's sake…
    With the BW slowly revealing his true form, I think that might show another reason why HC and BW get along well: because they love being dramatic in some way or another haha

    See you next time!

  14. Chapter 124 was really the most emotional whiplash giving chapter ever… we come from the horror that is whatever is going on in the Black Water's lair/dungeon thing with SWD dying and SQX having a breakdown TO HUALIAN STRAIGHT UP MAKING OUT WHAT??? MXTX was so real for that one….
    But yeah aaa so glad to see your reaction to one of my personal favorite scenes! I love all of He Xuan's one liner responses in c124, nearly every one-liner is so so so chilling and quotable honestly.
    Also yes I think SWD provoking HX like that towards the end, while totally messed up (who taunts someone by saying that they can't bring their family back so they're still the loser????), was really done so that HX would kill him instead and SQX wouldn't have to do it. Messed up, but very very cunning and smart. I don't like the Water Master much either but gotta hand it to him for managing to be so strategic even towards his last moments.

  15. Well uhhh… If someone ever asks what emotional whiplash is, or an emotional roller-coaster, these chapters sum that up very well… Black Water is absolutely terrifying here, my gosh!!
    And Qi Rong my gosh, I can't!


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