Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel & Manhua Review – PART 27 – Chapters 91-94 Reaction!


My first time having wine in literally a month and it’s for what was originally Chapters 91-92, but then…I added 93-94! WHY NOT?! WHAT COULD HAPPEN?! Just insane romantic gestures, mysterious and horrific callbacks, and one of the most bonkers dream in fiction!

Oh friends, I don’t know if I can wait for the next set.
Not after THAT cliffhanger!

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!

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12 thoughts on “Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel & Manhua Review – PART 27 – Chapters 91-94 Reaction!”

  1. Ooh, perfect place to stop, right, Romania? Ahahahaahaha! Hey, at least you got a super-romantic gesture at the start and now you have another one to look forward to.

    I think it's funny that Quan Yizhen beats up his followers. They probably think that's great (not in a kinky sense, lol). I mean, he's clearly a fighter who thrives on fighting, so they think it's okay for him to fight them too – it means he's fierce and fearless and single-minded, their personal raging bull. "He's just keeping his hand in, staying sharp. We're helping to train him!" they try to convince themselves as he smashes in their faces… Meanwhile, Feng Xin's and Mu Qing's followers mirror their rivalry to ridiculous lengths. Maybe Nan Feng and Fu Yao got into a fight as well and had to be disciplined instead of going to the banquet.

    I get this idea that Xie Lian is envious of the Rain Master because they seem so in tune/on the same page as their followers. I mean, Xie Lian ordered his followers to stop kneeling in his temples but they ignored that and knelt anyway. Rain Master asks for produce? Gets produce. It's like this friendly understanding between god and believers that is peaceful and calm and just…going with the flow that is nature/weather. Realistic expectations, cooperation – farmers' mentalities (maybe a stereotype but not a negative one)? And it seems like the bull/man isn't the Rain Master – they might be uninterested in Heaven but the other officials seem to know their story and be aware of the bull/man/servant.

    I wonder about the Wind Master's popularity – this question just popped into my head right now, never before. I mean, as a person, they are fun and kind but I can't think of any reason to pray to them. What exactly do you ask or expect from a Wind Master, if you are a supporter? Blowing storms away, maybe? Making a cool breeze on a hot day? Whatever, Water Master seems over-protective and very stern with his little brother.

    Isn't the 3000 lanterns image just breathtaking? They were in the OP of the first season, too. Even if we predicted it, it's still magical when it happens. There's poor Xie Lian, trying his best to survive this chaotic banquet, expecting nothing from anyone, finding some pleasure in the antics of the Wind Master, and watching the Earth Master do nothing but inhale food the entire time (and probably squirreling away more in his sleeves for later). Well, if he was stuck eating ghost food, no wonder he's hungry.

    Xie Lian's play was a romance probably written by Hua Cheng, then the lanterns appear (almost certainly sent by Hua Cheng) and blow everyone's minds. Everyone but Xie Lian himself is starting to see what Hua Cheng's angle is but all Xie Lian thinks is, "Aww, Hua Cheng is so extravagant and mischevious!" (/blushes) Meanwhile, Pei Ming is enjoying the controversy and stirring the pot for funzies. Our Crimson Rain Sought Flower is very overt in his courting while at the same time tweaking the noses of all those stuck-up Heavenly Officials (including Jun Wu).

    That didn't turn out so awful, so it's time to head back to Puqi Shrine, where Qi Rong has caused himself to get hung upside down by Ruoye and little Guzi is trying to flap away the mosquitos. Adding the silent and weird Lang Ying to the mix is fun. Qi Rong wants a human body? Let's remind him of what that entails. Not that anything will stop him cursing. Trash King in the Shrine!! He really brings out Xie Lian's hidden savage side…and I love it.

    Uh oh. Xie Lian's old tricks are boring now and no one is interested in his talismans (maybe a good thing, if he's bad luck?). Never fear! A rich dude has a ghost problem and he can pay for Xie Lian's help (or at least feed the kids). And what a problem! A ghost fetus, most likely the result of a long ago miscarriage, snuck into his wife/mistress and ate the baby, took its place. Gross – super gross, and sad, and creepy as hell. MXTX went full body horror with this event. But wait! It's also the voice he heard singing way back at the start of the story? And it's 800 years old? A contemporary of Xie Lian's human life? Are we supposed to think this is random coincidence? For a fetus spirit, it's pretty nasty and clever, too.

    I actually think Xie Lian asked the guy to take the charm and yell the prayer so he would get Heavenly credit (merits/cash) for eventually catching/killing the ghost. If something bad luck-ish did happen (or, like we've seen before, the guy is so upset about losing his son that he blames it all on Xie Lian afterward), Heaven would know Xie Lian solved the case. And if it does turn out well, then the additional thanks/prayers afterward will all add to his account. He's poor after all, our scrap-collecting prince.

  2. Well, that cup is just a beginning as we went through even crazier stuff this time, from the play showing XL's recent business trip in the desert (I highly suspect HC being the playwright and maybe even the actor) to the 3000 lanterns…

    It hurts me when XL wondered why the believers of FX and MQ would rather spent time competing each other rather than going back home and enjoy the festival with family……we've seen XL been distant with his own parents back when he still had the chance to be with them and later, him visiting their graves and talking about his life without any response. He's always been alone, but this time HC's there with his lanterns to light up his way back home.

    And the child spirit arc…wow that's just absolute body horror, MXTX sure knows her way with such plot, and it's also her style to jump from horror to action to absolute romance in one single chapter, all I can do now is cheer for this kiss!

  3. TGCF! But before watching and forgeting: requesting The Blood of Youth chinese live action drama!! First season (40+ episodes) finished and the 2nd one is coming. So good! It has the nice costume design I liked from Word of Honor but with well built characters. Politics, revenge, fights, love, comedy. No BL sadly but the friendships and hetero romantic relationships got me like 🥰🥰

  4. So you read fanfiction and are aware of omegaverse? I don't know how to put it into words, but you're like, the perfect person to react to this stuff 😆!
    Also, when you said the water master doesn't mind who the wind masters hangs out with, I misheard "hangs out with" as "makes out with" and I thought you were talking about them and ming yi 🤣😂.
    Also, do you consider reminders spoilers? As in, if you forget something and mistakenly think it's new information when it comes back, your reminded of it by someone. That way, you don't theorize about something that in reality is old information. Is that alright?

  5. Oh! The moment you brought out the 🍷
    It's like starting romance and Enthusiasm.

    Romance ➡️ Horror ⬇️
    ⬆️ Horror ⬅️ Romance

    This is the only author that makes me laugh and cry while watching a horror story. Exactly,irresistible romance.
    Let me see what's in the head of MXTX!

    Thank you for sharing, I am also willing to indulge in it (*^^*)

  6. I think the translation of this sentence is a little wrong"there was no way this came out naturally"(37:24)because the original Chinese sentence means "Tian Sheng couldn't have built that,too." (XL thought that banyue script was written by Tian Sheng). btw Tian Sheng in Chinese did means 'naturally' maybe that's the issue.

  7. I love getting to enjoy this story again with you. It's so great, don't worry about doing only a couple chapters at a time. Savor it as you should! I read the whole thing in a week when I found it and there is so much I missed or forgot because I read it so fast. I love to follow along, see your reactions, listen to you discuss everything and theorize.

    So many good moment's in this part! I always get a kick out of the Banyue play, with all the officals speculating about Hua Cheng and Xie Lians relation to eachother.
    The 3000 lanterns is described so beautifully. Also, of course the kiss cliffhanger. 😳

    Lastly, please don't feel bad about asking to not be spoiled! There is nothing worse than being spoiled, especially with such a long story as this one.
    I can't wait to see the next parts 🥳 hope you enjoy your reading of HOB 💕

  8. Romania I absolutely adore your screaming at the end of both sections this video, I felt those screams hahaha! 😆
    Xie Lian and Qi Rong having The Most savage family relationship, it's crazy!
    Hua Cheng doing the most for his man, and I fully support him!
    Loved the reaction as always!! 🥰


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