Heating Coffee with Thermite

The self-heating can in this video uses an aluminum-silica thermite to heat coffee in about two minutes.


50 thoughts on “Heating Coffee with Thermite”

  1. FYI, the thermite used in these coffee cans is NOT iron based thermite. It is aluminum & silicon dioxide. Also, while the thermite reaction in and of itself is spectacular and fascinating, I think that the fact that coffee (read water) can quench the process by absorbing the ridiculous amounts of energy produced is worth noting. And this is all thanks to water's high specific heat capacity (as well as some other chemical ingredients in the heater to regulate reaction rate). When the heater is surrounded by liquid coffee, it does not discolor nor melt, and the entire system doesn't exceed 60 C (at least from my testing).

  2. Could this potentially cook food? Imagine, refrigerating vending machines that drop ramen cups that make themselves, or even something crazier, like lemon clams (if you know you know)


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