Heat, drought, field fires & good yields. Harvest 2022 continues

Harvest 2022 is nearly done but the constant heat and lack of rain is making the risk of fire far greater, as we found out..


23 thoughts on “Heat, drought, field fires & good yields. Harvest 2022 continues”

  1. Love farming but the way farmers talk so casual about all the chemicals and synthetic fertilisers they use on our food & let’s not forget there g.m.o seeds so everything grows exactly the same. The protein in any of these chemically grown crops is a joke compared to back in the day… something needs to change 🥰

  2. I have an allotment of 250 sq metres and this season has been really hard but when I watch your videos I have developed huge respect for the farming community. If my harvests fail I feel disappointed and then drive to the supermarket to feed myself. You guys have to feed the nation, any failures on your side and the population goes hungry. 💕💕✌✌

  3. Harry – I simply love your output!

    Effortlessly blending in family anecdotes, films of family japes, stunning drone footage, tales of Evo twattery and fascinating insights (for a non-farmer such as me!)

    Together with the Garage vidoes, there's a real sense of vicarious joy.

    Please keep them coming!

  4. Lovely videos Harry, have just watched two combines a field apart catch fire simultaneously after ten minutes work, 40 acres of wheat lost as well, 80 combines lost last year through fire, would you give me your opinion on this, I'm thinking they are older machines with design flaws, thanks.

  5. Will the shortage of decent grass ( due to the weather) affect the straw price due to a shortage of winter feed? I've heard reports of cattle farmers digging into their winter fodder already…

  6. seen a combine having a smouldering fire going in the engine bay and we got the fire extinguisher and put it out ………..the owner wanted to bring it to the yard to power hose it ……the driver wanted to let it cooloff at the headland ……..sothe owner drove it back to the yard …………it burnt to a crisp on the way there ………fire shows no mercy to a combine ………….!

  7. Charlie the combine driver saved the combine from burning because he smelled the burning smell and more importantly acted on it which saved the machine from burning. A good machine driver is priceless. Nothing excites me more is the burning smell of straw when you are on a combine harvester or any machine in a field until you know its not your machine thats burning.

  8. You mention buying your seed. Who grows the seed and how does that all work. Can you just keep some of your harvest and plant it? I presume not as you wouldn't need to buy it then. How much rape for example has to be planted for seed v what we eat/use? Love the videos.

  9. Have you seen what Michael Yon is talking about? He went to see what's going on with the farmers over in Holland, and gave an interview recently with Jordan Peterson.

    We should probably pay attention – the scope of the prevailing madness these days is global.

  10. I have been watching both Harry's Garage and Harry'Farm and on this channel, I am learning so much about the amount of work that is involved in the stuff I buy in the shops. I think the working life a farmer isn't appreciated by us consumers. As long as it is on the shelf, that's all we think about.

  11. Never thought I watch a farming video to the end, actually very interesting, much more work & equipment involved, than many people realise, & with the increasing costs of fuel, transport etc, does make you realise why the prices of food are going up fast now.


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