Hearts of Iron IV Old World Blues Enclave Redux Part 7 The NCR Falls and the Reconstruction

Welcome back in todays episode with a final push our forces capitulate the NCR. In doing so it causes a huge economic and political disaster for our government. We begin reconstruction hoping to rebuild America to her former glory. I hope y’all enjoy.


11 thoughts on “Hearts of Iron IV Old World Blues Enclave Redux Part 7 The NCR Falls and the Reconstruction”

  1. Why you aren’t taking any chief of staff focuses in the army tree. Also you should definitely take vaccinations focus before fighting the legion, since some of the purists that escaped the have FEV with them.

  2. A few things for you to know: you should definitely take the vaccination focus before fighting Ceasar. Also if you haven't done so already you should upgrade your cities/trade hubs to make more money. And lastly as the good reformers you shouldn't really flip flop between good reformer focuses and the evil ones because if you're going down the good route the game will quasi punish you. Also whatever you do DO NOT use the nukes on other factions that will kill/stop a good reformer playthrough in its tracks

  3. Amazing episode ❀❀
    Also while your at peace with ceaser's legion you have to focus on the rebuilding a nation focus tree to remove all of the bad debuffs as soon as possible
    Also i recommend you take mandate the us dollar it's better in my opinion and take entertainment broadcasts and civilian education focuses they lean to the reformists and if you choose military education and propaganda broadcasts your going the path of a dictatorship and the free press won't like it 😊😊😊

  4. Also in the future you will get an event about the rig and the FEV either revel the truth or lie
    I highly recommend that you revel the truth even if it hurts your going to get back on your faster than you think
    And if you lie no one would know anything for about a year then some rumours are going to spread after that they are going to force you to revel the truth and it will hurt more than reveling the truth at the first place😊😊😊


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