Heartbreak? Trusting God to Heal Your Broken Heart

Discover the transformative power of trusting God to heal your broken heart in this enlightening and comforting video. We explore the profound wisdom and strength that can be found in surrendering to the Holy Spirit during life’s most challenging moments like heartbreak.
Listen to how faith and divine guidance helps navigate the stormy seas of heartbreak and emerge stronger, more resilient, and more in touch with inner selves.
Together, we’ll delve into the principles of letting go, trusting God’s plan, and opening your heart to the healing process. Learn practical steps to lean on your faith, embrace self-compassion, and find renewed hope during difficult times.
Join us on this expedition towards healing and self-discovery, and let God’s love light your path towards a brighter, happier future.
Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your heartache into personal growth and spiritual strength.

Check out our new inspiring book on the Holy Spirit https://amzn.to/3Lx7PeX

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17 thoughts on “Heartbreak? Trusting God to Heal Your Broken Heart”

  1. For anyone who doesn't believe this is God's voice, I know it actually is because when I talk to him, he and Jesus talk to me inside my head and this is exactly what his voice sounds like! ❤ I God and Jesus. God bless everyone and everything.

  2. Father God thank you for this. My heart is broken. I forgive my husband for being so indifferent and mean to me while I am healing from my Bilateral Total Knee Replacements surgery. I took care of him all the way. He leaves to go paint his daughter walls and hang a TV. He told me to get your son to take care of you. We promised each other we will be there for each other. Thank you for collecting my tears. Even when he was here , he would give me the silent treatment and talk on the phone to his family. He told me because I tithe that I was trying to buy my way into heaven- laughing at me with his brother and sister and daughter. I told him my recovery is not over. I said if you leave then stay with your daughter because I am here alone. He said tough. When he had his total hip surgery I was there and none of his family helped me. He took the easy way out. Thank you for being here. I am not forsaken. I am not destroyed. ABBA he doesn't love me. I trust in your 💕

  3. Thank you for this. Praise God He’s been making me stronger and better. I’m learning to accept certain things I may not like that I cannot change. Blessings to you🙏🏾

  4. My heart has never been so broken. Iv been praying for Years..YEARS now about an on going situation in my life. I have tried and cried and prayed so many times over this and the hurt never disapates, it doesn't lessen. I am at the very end of my rope, I'm absolutely exhausted both emotionally and spiritually. I could go on and on about this but I'm not going to because it won't change anything. Please pray for me in this Please step in the gap for me and pray…..because I hurt so much and I don't have much left.


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