Hear what Don Jr. said after Trump guilty verdict

Donald Trump Jr. spoke on a podcast accusing Democrats of “succeeding in turning America into a sh*thole country” after a New York jury convicted former President Trump on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. #CNN #News


35 thoughts on “Hear what Don Jr. said after Trump guilty verdict”

  1. It’s too bad that CNN , NBC , MSNBC and some Fox News reporters and journalists don’t do their home ; and many Americans don’t check out the real facts ; Most get their reporting off of the lies Obama and Joe Biden is telling the American people; No matter what you say ; we were energy independent under Trump ; Not under Biden ; Those are Facts ; Under Trump who built many many buildings in NYC us union boys had plenty of work ; Fact ; When Biden became President; us union boys lost our jobs all over the USA ; Fact ; when Joe Biden became President 9000 alone Pipe fitters lost their jobs in NYC not counting all other tradesmen lost their jobs. Fact the XL -Pipe line union boys list 44,000 jobs and he threatened another 88,000 job loss in two other closer of pipe lines but was stopped by his own party because it threatened to kill the work force in their states but the Democratic Party stopped him. On these facts alone Biden is bad for our economy; I did not like Trump at 1st But Biden did so so so much worst ; Fact Trump never let a Spy Ballon travel the distance of our whole United States like Biden did ; Fact Biden gave Billons to Iran as the top country in the world on terrorist , why would one do that ??? Fact Biden and Obama has sold our military secrets to other countries especially to China ; that’s later to come out ; I don’t know why anyone would vote for him again !!!!!You might think Trumps not good for our country, but on those facts our interest rates are very high , can’t afford too buy a house ; Gas prices are two to three dollars higher ; Do I got to say anymore ??? You might hate Trump but under Biden , it’s worst ever since he’s come in and it ain’t getting any better ; So much more I could say , but you’re so full of hate for Trump ya’ll can’t see straight , but you’ll go dig for the truth , you’ll find out the real truth. Biden wants a one world government which he’s said at two different times on national TV but ya’ll want to exclude this truth. Anyhow. Let’s see what happens in Nov see ya’ll then

  2. YES, Lets not forgey January 6th, 2020. WE need justice ! TRUMP needs to pay for all damage done to our country. People died on that day and he gets away with all his crimes. Taking all those secret files home Mar a Lago. Imagine so many criminal acts he has done and he gets away with that. Justice needs to be applied to this monster.

  3. I agree with jr. Donnie has turned america into a shit hole country. 200 years of history undone by this con-man
    How many stupid people joined the cult
    I'm ready for Jonestown, the IQ of the country would rise instantly.

  4. You're next little Trump..remember when you're laughing about the children's in jail for your father at the border.. you said that they're looking like animals..and that was sad for their parents, but now is your turn with your father ..How you're going to look behind bars 😅😅😅


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