He Wasn't Supposed To Make The NBA..

These are the greatest against-all-odds stories in NBA history.

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34 thoughts on “He Wasn't Supposed To Make The NBA..”

  1. Stop the lies, I live in Raleigh I know John Walls family he got in trouble for something so minor. Something kids in NC do all the time, he was caught in a new house with a girl and got in trouble. John Wall outside of that was no criminal.

  2. As a fan of this channel, I would like to respectfully ask that you reconsider the way certain athletes are sometimes portrayed. Everyone has a past, and you don't need to highlight the low points of someone's life in order to recognize their journey to success. Peace

  3. Surprised not to see any Eastern European players like Peja Stojakovic in this list, these dudes had to endure an entire civil war. Serge Ibaka and espexially D.J Mbenga as well since he went to jail because his dad was a political prisoner in Congo.

    Also, my inner Filipino made me scratch the walls during the Jeremy Lin section.


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