He Prophesied What's Coming Next.

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This telegram group is where I post some things that are marinating or rendering so intercessors can be praying. As well it’s backup in case anything happens to my YT. I will never message you or ask to be messaged on telegram or WhatsApp, those are scammers.

✉️ My Email (please keep it short): YTPHILIP at PM.ME

Write to me (forwarding address):
Philip Paul
3916 N Potsdam Ave 5231
Sioux Falls, SD, 57104

0:00 – intro
1:55 – His Father Died The Day Before This Word
10:10 – Executive Business Life Before Jesus
14:15 – His Premature Death As A Child and Resurrection
15:42 – Prophesying As a Chlid
17:55 – His Death And Resurrection Continued
19:54 – God Saves You On A Regular Basis
23:10 – Leaving Corporate, Entering Kingdom
32:55 – EGYPT, early signs
36:30 – The Coming Prophets
41:50 – Standing For The WRONG Reasons
43:28 – Antisemitism
45:00 – Dollar Collapse & NWO, RUSSIA
47:40 – Earthquakes & Earth Tilting Consequences
48:55 – Electronic Blackouts & Failures
50:05 – Robinhood Mentality & Military
51:39 – Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Volcanoes, USA Reshaping
54:25 – Doughts, Bread, Hail, Rain, Missles, Pandemics…
1:01:29 – What To Do, Teaching.
1:11:00 – Bob Jones


43 thoughts on “He Prophesied What's Coming Next.”

  1. My family about had a cow because I just felt like I needed to quit teaching. I just knew it was something I had to do. I am living day by day and not paycheck to paycheck, but I am living and I am so fine with it. Lost a lot of friends, but it does not bother me! Thank you Lord for everything!

  2. I dreamed two weeks ago that the United States was being bombed by war planes, chemical warfare and an atomic bomb. This dream felt so real that in the dream I was telling people to get down and seek shelter. I was crying out to God. The urgency I felt when I woke up is to make sure to be right with God and to be prepared.

  3. He said these things are not going to happen years from now but soon, so applying these things to 2023 may not be appropriate? I believe the video was from around 2007? Did those things happen such as the world blaming the high price of gas on Israel? I don’t remember that happening. I like John and believe he was of godly character but we have to listen to see if these things are of God or not.

  4. YOU can not think a timeless eternal thought, nor utter a timeless eternal word … all your thoughts and words TAKE TIME to intuit and TIME to utter…. therefore whoever this "god" is you believe speaks to you IS NOT OUR PERFECT CREATOR…. there's not a single ETERNAL word in any religious book.

  5. I mean how many commercials do you need good grief. Some don't know you put all of them in there to make a buck but some of us do & it's fine to make money but you're piggy backing off of someone else's work & it's just greedy, irritating & speaks volumes.

  6. I've been trying to figure out when this was taped. Obama was President (he said) Jan. 09-Jan.17. The Lord's people have been crying out to him! I am reminded, lift up your head because your redemption draws nigh! I've prepped for the tribulation saints. Come Lord Jesus! MARANATHA!!

  7. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of Power🎉 Stop buying into the fear of The Boogeyman and all this other stuff and pour your energy into helping The Homeless, Orphans, Elderly, Shut in, Prepare for pandemics , etc.
    🎉What is the point of talking about it if we arent building and preparing?❤

  8. First question I had was: when was this video taken? He said he was 62, he passed at 64 when it was 2015 , so must have been 2013. (info gathered here below). Gas prices with Russia and Ukraine involved.. interesting to see this now. Wheather extremes.. can't all be CO2. Earthquakes.. Satelite defects – no internet, no communications.. It is time to take measures – I remember starting to download a lot..

  9. God I need you please find me. Prayers are all we truly need. So please keep me and my two children in your prayers. I’m a single mother my husband passed away years ago. Both of my sons are autistic. I’m overwhelmed trying to provide for them and myself being a parent of a special needs child is so expensive. Lord Jesus hear my cries. I’m so tired of struggling trying my very best to raise my children. I’m struggling to keep up with the bills and groceries. Lord Jesus Please save us. ❤

  10. Hello church, @1:12:25 The "box of paper with millions of pieces of paper" reminds me of a disturbing dream I had last night (9/17/2023). I'll need yall to pray for me too because it appeared I failed as a soldier in training (that was the first part of the dream). I went through a training but after it was done…I was asking the trainer why I had not yet been promoted.

    Jump to a box of paper…I saw a girl next to a box and it appeared to be a sandy place. This girl has a name (I won't mention here). She is very notorious in the city of Austin, TX creating a lot of problems and divisions in many local churches. She was kneeling next to a box and I noticed paper flying out. I realized she was slamming and thrusting both arms into the box as hard as she could to cause the paper to fly out. So hard to the point she'd get paper cuts on her arms. When she saw me, she turned towards me and thrusting her arms into the box…thousands of little pieces of paper would fly towards me. Like a hurricane wind I was enveloped in the wind of pieces of paper.

  11. Please pray for God to open a door for my family to find a home here in Texas. Landlords hete are extremely greedy and we're at a loss at this point.. We relocated here in early April and have been living in a hotel. Our finances are depleting quickly. I have a job and my daughter has two. She works ten your days sux days a week, sime weeks seven days. Believing God to intervene in Jesus Mighty Name HALLELUJAH 🙏✝️❤🙌


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