He isekai'd & defeated the Demon King & Returned to his world with all his SS stats – Manga recap

manga, manga recap, manhwa, banished, betrayed, anime, action toon, manga capped


22 thoughts on “He isekai'd & defeated the Demon King & Returned to his world with all his SS stats – Manga recap”

  1. OK this started off real bad out the gate, "he walked towards this event for 3 long years using all his skill strength and skill". That run on sentence is so broken that normal broken sentences are saying WTF? The art work in the 1st 7sec looks good, but the broken English and really using all his skill strength and skill. Did you run out of words to use and just reused skill over again and it was right after using it. You really need someone that speaks English to QA your stuff. Dont get me wrong we have people in USA that think they speak English but really dont. Hell someone from UK could have cleaned this up better.

  2. So he is college… in addition to 3yrs in another world. So in other words a grow man… they why does he still act like an immature blush soi boi when dealing with chicks outside of basic interactions…


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