He Discovers City Where It Is 4028 AD and Humanity Mutated Into New Species

Part 2 – https://youtu.be/H__naGPPqgI

fantastic captain, story recapped, movie recaps, movie recapped,, mystery recapped, fox recaps, movie recap, story recap, sci fi movies, movie


22 thoughts on “He Discovers City Where It Is 4028 AD and Humanity Mutated Into New Species”

  1. I wish this never happens. I just can't imagine being mutated to a different creature. I can however imagine the how frustrated Ethan was with all these confusion with no one who understands him😭😭😭😢

  2. Actually I like the show and the created world is quite intense and something I will not forget that fast, but of course there are inconsistencies and evolution would need more than just a few thousand years, but ok, this movie (or TV show) is from the US, where teaching evolution is banned in the most states 😛

    According to a 2020 report by the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of adults in the United States have English prose literacy below the 6th-grade level.

    And now some Americans will answer in the comments and declare it a lie because in their "rich only" school it was different 😂

  3. The premise doesn't make any sense. If what remains of humanity is indeed surrounded by a hostile environment, why not simply telling the truth instead of those st*pid rules about not talking about the past?

  4. The stupidest thing about this is they think 2000 years is enough time for a species to mutate or evolve.
    I'm guessing there was not one historian or biologist amongst the writers, and it shows.

  5. So funny to watch a movie shot in and around Vancouver. Usually you always find one or two "I know this place" moments in movies but HERE, it's like… I even recognize the forest. Not hating > I love it!


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