Hbomberguy's plagiarism video CALLS OUT iilluminaughtii AND MORE (The Serfs targeted as well?!)

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46 thoughts on “Hbomberguy's plagiarism video CALLS OUT iilluminaughtii AND MORE (The Serfs targeted as well?!)”

  1. Minor irony that you're kind of stealing hbomber's content here too which is not a lot different 🙂 There's a little added on top but not a lot. I feel like he's probably missing some views because you used too much of the content.

  2. Harry just allowed a shitload of content to come out. 4 hours from him. 2 hours of todd in the shadows of all people and now 2 hours from lance. I've seen some other 10-20 minute videos reacting one way or the other regarding some of the content on this video. Dude puts out maybe one vid a year if we are lucky and sets youtube on fucking fire. I'm so happy for breadtube right now. Feast. You deserve it.

  3. At the chico doll, "ethical products are very very expensive" yaaas and this is why we should all just be consuming a lot less. If we had to pay true cost value of things, we would probably choose not to consume as much, for sure.
    Love your vids lance, this one was no exception. You do great work, you add a lot and arent just a reactionary.

  4. Good on ya at the end for replying to Xan's tweet. I know he doesn't like you, I've heard him say so on one of his streams, which is wild since I've only watched maybe 30 minutes in total of any of his streams. I just happened to be watching when he said it. He said it all basically stems from you initially defending Blair before getting all of the info. I'm not sure if he knew or knows of you addressing that you messed up there and apologizing. If he does know, then he's just being a dick about it. When people admit to their mistakes genuinely, I acknowledge it and also see it as a great trait to have, because I've noticed that a lot of people out there have a very difficult time admitting to a mistake and then double or tripling down, which makes them look even worse. I know you mean well and might rush to a conclusion a bit too hastily. Keep up the good work. 🙂

  5. The second half of the video entirely about James Somerton is a really deep dive and really comes with receipts to explain just how awful his plagiarism is. Even if you don't stream it, I recommend watching.

  6. No offense, but after this went down I no longer have been able to take your takes as serious as I used to. I usually have to double check to see if what you are saying is true. If it took you that long to see how bad she was, I can't help but thinking that you have low awareness and unable to see things clearly. just being honest.

  7. Lmao Hbomerguy literally has a bit in his video where he talks about dramatube and how quickly content creators will probably be rushing to push out their own The Plagiarism of James Somerton videos, relying on what other videos before them for information.

  8. One of the things that actual quality writers will do, they have unusual style, in how they present topics. Linguistic patters give away a huge amount about the person, they might deliberately structure a sentence to appear confusing, to force the reader to re-read the entire passage.

    William Shatner made a career out of it.

    Plagerists, utilize overly complicated linguistics, to deflect away from the core concepts they are communicating. Jordan Peterson is a prime example of absolutely unnecessary verbal complexity, when simplicity is far more beneficial to the conversation.

  9. My favourite part of all of this is that Blair is such a charlatan (in terms of Leftist bona fides and in terms of video essayist bona fides), that she didn't seem to know who Hbomberguy is. Instead of going dark and hiding in a panic room for a few months when he posted the first video, she antagonized him by lying about his post. If she cared about being a better video essayist, even slightly, she would know of him. As one of the first big success stories in this space, he would be an easy source for inspiration in building a channel. But she somehow didn't know what would happen if she poked the bear. Honestly, she should be thankful that she was just the warmup act.

    What's really fascinating about that is that she had apparently cultivated an audience that hadn't heard of him either. Whether they were too young or just new to Leftist spaces, it seems like she'd peppered in enough paranoia about her own persecution that they didn't trust the OG insanely deep dive channel enough to even check. It's pretty clear that this is standard plagiarist MO, but I'm still surprised at how effective it was.

  10. Hate to say it but dude, I’m 1.5 hours into this video and there’s been virtually no helpful, illuminating, transformative commentary happening. It’s basically a watch party while you wait for your two second “cameo.” React harder.

  11. All the whistleblowers of Illuminati who would so much as defend the click when somebody casually calls him a pedophile as part of a harassment campaign in a chat that you control got banned and roasted for like a month, so it does leave a bit of an unsafe for victims vibe, even though I know it was a big mistake.

    I personally sat in your chat and watched as people said that anybody who defends the click (me) is a pedophile and knew that I could not say anything as I watched your fans get banned for taking the bait.
    I was very happy with the The stream where all you figured it out, But nothing has fundamentally changed about your community.

  12. Like hbomber guy is a perfect angel himself. Hey harry or whatever you real name is. Ya learn about gaza yet or still in the dark about the most effed up thing happening in the world right now? Proof he aint no lefty, just a lib doing a 1-2 year video grift lol.

  13. Yeah it's something I agreed with Hasan on when he watched this, stealing content and passing it off as your own research and opinions is, in my opinion, obectively worse than even the laziest reaction channels. Playing the video while an empty chair slowly turns in the corner of the screen at the very least doesn't confuse or intentionally trick people into thinking the reactor made the video, and reaction content CAN signalboost smaller creators into the limelight, though I think the latter is overused as an excuse by lazy big reactors and desperate smaller reactors.
    I'm not calling you lazy, of course, you have specific knowledge and experience with one of the topics raised in the video, and had insight you were willing to share, which is what drew me to watch your reaction after I had already seen the video for myself.

  14. Lance, i still basically like you and think you mean well. but you DID watch Blaire show a man's suicide note, and had NO criticism of her doing so, you in fact took her side. i'm not really sure how that seemed ok to you, even if she was your friend. then you targeted and lied about legal eagle and the sad milk crew. and you STILL haven't apologized for pushing the narrative that xanderal had a sex cult, which was started by your own friend, Mildred. now, i don't think this makes you a bad person, but i have to wonder if you have understood and accepted the problems you caused other people. i dunno, i hope you can let all this be a learning experience because i like your content

  15. Actually my favourite part was when former member of Metokur HBomber said he's not part of Breadtube The desperation of the near dead Left tube on both twitch and YouTube as just like every other movement from Redpill to IBS to Skeptics to Gamergate all the way back to the first community I was involved with Athiesm plus. The old story of something popular with skilled and talented people who eventually are forced out by less talented people (See Lindsay Ellis, Contrapoints, Renegade Cut) and in the final stage we're in now like what happened to Skeptics (as pointed out by Vadim Newquis) you got Dave Cullen, Dave Rubin and EdgyBuddha and most funny Braving Ruin an open Islamic Fascist. I'm glad that like Thunderf00t waited all these years after he was attacked for not throwing Contrapoints under the bus because some of the most untalented Leftists Non-binary people actually wanted to purge bread tube of all the talent, because that's what makes a revolution work removing all the original people and open the airwaves for obnoxious triggered by everything doompillers. So I expect Harrison is probably having mass Schadenfreude now knowing that he's never going to be in the Leftist Mafia as it shrinks to nothing like Brett Keane (atheism) or Carl Benjamin (Skeptics) or even Tonkasaw (IBS)

  16. Wow I'm half way through and this is literally JayExcis criticism of Twitch streamers watching a video with about 12 minutes commentary, well at least Lance didn't go for a Shit for 20 minutes or eat his lunch, I so hope HBomber follows this up with the Industrial voyeurism making money off watching others work and dude Ghostbusters 2016 was a massive pile of Sony Corporate crap it was so un woke that the lesbian romance elements were cut out by Sony for international distribution because it was painful obviously fro the 12 test screens it was going to not make back even it's meager budget.

  17. 27:34 unless i am missing something, did HBomb say the 3rd apology came out 2 days after the second one? If that is the case, how the fuck did he get that haircut? Did he get a wig for the 3rd apology? Was the 2nd one recorded months in advance? The hair discrepancy is seriously messing with me. Wtf?!

  18. Lance, tbf, James (AVGN, not Somerton) did say that he saw the whole controversy surrounding the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot and sincenhe already wasn't feeling the movie from the trailers, he decided he just wasn't gonna engage because he felt it wasn't "made for [him]", which i think is fair and way better than forcing yourself to watch something you hate just to make a video shitting on it for clicks if you're not feeling it.

  19. Hey Lance, great video, but you said in this that you would be editing this down to only include your commentary and not be the entire hbomb video that you watched, so that it would be transformative content. As far as i can tell, this is just you watching the whole thing and commenting occasionally. Was this a mistake? Maybe there was a miscommunication with your editors? I hope that you edit this down to the relevant parts and reupload it, because you did state that as your intent in the video itself.


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