Hayward residents voice frustrations following recent mail theft

A group of Hayward residents say their spending the holidays worried about identity theft. Marianne Favro reports.

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34 thoughts on “Hayward residents voice frustrations following recent mail theft”

  1. Two new security doors, each with separate locks, with the second being for a separate personal key for each resident should stop (in most cases) this new escalating theft that our rapid declining society now seeks and loves to perpetrate rather than working for a honest living.

  2. "we're working on it and looking into it" the typical BS you get when the authorities don't give a FCK! I've delt with USPS with int. parcel loss before and they made it a living hell. Force you to wait 2-3 months and won't even refund the few bucks for postal shipping. All they did was "shrug"…not so much as a brief apology! Got so upset I boycotted that specific branch and went to another one, which was far better.
    The fact that a "master key" was stolen and they're still looking into it after a while, tells you everything you need to know about their manager.

  3. NBC put a Presidential candidate on the news. They asked how he felt about something that Trump said. Thats the kind of media and logic of the democrats supporters. They dont care about real issues, just reelection and the media being their puppet.

  4. Repeatedly! The birthday card I sent my niece in August never reached her. I tried again in November for the little daughter there…waited apprehensively…and it arrived on the day! THANK GOD! 🙏🏼🙌🏼❤️

  5. Why get a job if that job isn’t going to pay you enough to survive?

    There are millions of broke people in the United States. In California, especially the Bay Area, folks need a lot more money just to stay afloat than they do anywhere else in the country. Most of those people are now willing to bip and do whatever they can to make a few extra dollars here and there.

    The crime is going to destroy the entire state of California, but how would you get 2 million desperate people who have been stealing stuff to suddenly be employable? Not gonna happen. The economy is way past most of them. So now CA stuck with millions of petty criminals for the foreseeable future.

  6. this won't be fixed until the larger crime issue is improved – we need to replace our do nothing politicians and have more and better policing, repeal criminal friendly laws, and enforce public safety laws, and give meaningful punishment to criminals

    on a side note, USPS should move to better pick up service and there should be enforced laws forcing companies to provide digital delivery options and prohibiting junk mail. most paper mail is unnecessary these days

  7. If the keys were stolen, why didn't they change them..hellrr😢..then get a PO box..does not cost much..then that guy Fitch sounds like " we're looking at" heller, sounds like he is just saying, just to say but just waiting to retire

  8. USPS needs an overhaul if someone steals a key they need to find the woman who is worried and placed her mail on vacation hold or anyone in her situation should get a free box at usps until the key is found or replaced


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