Have the 49ers Ruined Trey Lance?

Grant Cohn and Larry Krueger discuss whether the San Francisco 49ers have ruined Trey Lance.


36 thoughts on “Have the 49ers Ruined Trey Lance?”

  1. Larry Krueger you're old enough to know Bill Walsh. Did he listen to players voicing their opinion on who should start? In fact did any of the players even have the balls to come to him with that BS? When a head coach has iron balls players don't test him. Kyle is too buddy buddy with the players so they think they should have say so (causing division in the locker room). With Bill Walsh the players knew who was in charge and also knew they could be replaced any minute and this was a team full of future Hall Of Famers. There's too many voices in this current organization and too many leaks from the locker room (showing no respect for Kyle).

  2. I don't get wtf all the hubub is over this kid. He can throw the ball long. That's all he can do. That's it. He isn't accurate. He can't spiral the ball half the time. He can't run. Brock came in more pro ready than Trey will ever be. Oh. And his throwing motion is so jacked up. Watching him throw is like watching my sisters throw when they were kids.

  3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm a 49ers fan I find this hilarious dude gets hurt week 3 now there saying oh no 49ers ruined trey Lance already 😢 🤣😂😂😂 what a joke please stop 🤦

  4. Jimmy G might actually be the last and maybe only QB to get drafted as a backup, play spot relief duty and win games, get traded at the end lf his 1st contract, and go on to be successful in his 2nd contract with his 2nd team. If Jimmy can do that so can Trey. But Trey should get traded to Atlanta and be coached by Arthur Smith with a track record of helping QBs improve. Lance for Pitts. Pitts will be cheaper as a TE than Lance as a QB for a player we're more confident about

  5. No. The 49ers gave him the job of QB1 to start the 2022 season. He's been injured 3 times in less than 3 years. If he sits going forward it will be because another quarterback on the roster is better.

  6. Trey probably should have stayed another year and got more experience. He likely would have been the #1 overall pick the following year, made more money, and would have went to a worse team, where he could have played right away… or he could have gotten injured, or put more of his flaws on tape — tough decision. Either way, if Trey was good enough to start on this team – he would have started … and even though he wasn’t better than Jimmy, they still tried to start him … it’s definitely not the niners fault this is current situation.

  7. They haven't ruined him yet but they will. I don't know why Trey, his parents and his agent can't see that with Kyle's track record with RG III. As soon as Trey is cleared to play he should demand to be traded and not attend OTA's if he is still on the team.

  8. I couldn't agree more Grant! They could have used him and Jimmy as they did in preseason with the exception of only running Trey between the tackles and having him as a primary running threat. Being a mobile QB should be a benefit when the pocket collapses and or when there's great protection down the field. Trey has an arm and defenses should be challenged down the field so use ALL of Treys talents. Trey is NO WHERE CLOSE to being as quick and elusive as Russell Wilson, Lamar Jackson, RGIII, Michael Vick, etc. so why is GENIUS Kyle acting as if he is?

  9. Larry stop lying you have wrote him off…just like u said lance fans hope he will be better this year…you are hoping Brock is better also…we have all seen a qb come and look great and turn out bad jimmy Wentz Sanchez shall I keep going stop hating on a 22 year old kid that hasn't had a chance to prove himself

  10. 49ers fucked up by not lettin Lance develop early and the so called fans just want a super good QB without the development and that right there will get us in several bad situations. Had we not made Superbowl and NFC with Jimmy, Lance would’ve been had his touches but now we’re here and these fans don’t want to see a QB develop..they want him to be super good now or he’s a bust to them

  11. Funny, you stated that the top 4 QBs in the league were Allen, Mahomes, Herbert, and Tagovailoa so which one of them or all of them is closer to Purdy or Lance in arm strength, mobility, and stature? Hands down it's Lance case close. Lance started last year and got his season ended on a fluke injury so he should be the starter and will be because he will be ready to play this year before Purdy. He has to play.

  12. Hey Grant you speak like you're covering a team that you know nothing about you know nothing he'll the 49ers carry their organization they like to stockpile Talent that's all they like to do Trey Lance is a talent that they stockpiled and put on the Shelf they don't give a fuk about anything about him whether he develops or not and in their mind that's on him mostly their style is to have a third string championship potential player sitting on the bench at any and every position if possible capiche if Trey Lance plays out his four-year contract he's going to make 25 million that he might never have made if they didn't draft him do you think he gives a f*** that you want him to play he doesn't even care he's got 25 million in the bank million million at the end of the day the San Francisco 49ers organization gave him his shot and pay them a ton of money if he doesn't have a pea-brain he's set for life if he never plays a Down


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