Hat, Hello, High five, Big wings, Bite!


19 thoughts on “Hat, Hello, High five, Big wings, Bite!”

  1. Looks like I'm not the only one thinking he went for the finger beczuse you didn't have treats to give him. He did seem to be in a good and playful mood before that though. 🙂

    On a sidenote, it's rather funny one of his favorite words seems to be hat.

  2. 😆
    Curious question though: I grew up with dogs, and they always seemed to know how much they could bite when playing without hurting. Does Macaws know that too, or do they just not care? 🤔

  3. When Daddy-Human builds the guy cave, he must make sure there is a good size down chute from the kitchen to drop down endless bags of potato chips, pretzels, pizza bits, pop corn, peanuts, biscuits, every kind of fried food imaginable, so the treats NEVER run out! No doubt, Mikey will make sure Daddy-Human ALWAYS has the rice cakes all to himself!

  4. How did you guys get these beautiful birds? Just wondering……they are so lovely! In America, many people sadly clip the wings so they can never fly again, which I think is tragic. You both seem to have such a special bond with M & M.❤


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