Has Ukraine’s biggest ally joined Russian camp?

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19 thoughts on “Has Ukraine’s biggest ally joined Russian camp?”

  1. Russia can make rocket's and state of the art fighter jets, and obviously guided missiles, which also use electronics. But people think they need Iran's help to make drones with two stroke engines? How can people be so dumb to believe this? 🤦

  2. Weird one. It's unclear at this moment if these drones are Iranian made to begin with. Iran and Russia deny those claims. And there are engineering constraints making all of them follow the same design path. There is a reason all of them look similar to a v1.
    Showcases tho how weapon manufacturer don't give a hoot who gets the weapons provided as long as people die and houses get destroyed and nations have to restock afterwards.

  3. First of all I'm pretty sure that the drones are produced in Russia due some changes in how they are guided using Russians own "GPS".
    Nevertheless even if they where produced in the Iran, one might not wonder to find western tech inside. We remember the war between Irak an Iran, where the US provided both sides with weapons. Money rules.

  4. Well why is Zelenskyy complaining when being attacked with Russian or Western or Iranian drones. It makes no difference as they all are have similar effects.
    Guess Zelenskyy should request that only Russian drones are to be used in Ukraine


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