Has Mangonel Technology Gone TOO FAR?!

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17 thoughts on “Has Mangonel Technology Gone TOO FAR?!”

  1. Man, Baloo had some really great micro during the mid-game, but I really wish we could have seen Baloo be aggressive in Feudal and try to out-last Lucifron's economy in a prolonged Feudal battle.

  2. Oddly enough. Speaking of discrimination against Italians, there was a fair bit of that in the early days of the United States. In common with anti-Irish sentiment, it was in part because they were mostly Catholic. It's a whole nother discussion whether that could be considered racism by today's standards, though at the time Irish and Italian were called races, if still considered white people.

  3. That was intense game! Early/mid game was hard to determine who the winner would be. But as soon as Luci dropped an aggressive keep to steal the deer patch, then the game was slowly going in the favour of the Delhi. But Baloo was so good with his siege, that I felt he could still win (even tho at a macro level Luci was at a significant advantage). Luci just needed to exhaust Baloo’s resources and win. Great game.


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