Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns 3DS – Episode 1: Too Many Tutorials

Our new Harvest Moon let’s play is out! We skip ahead a few entries in the DS era to a title that released on the border of the DS and 3DS. The visuals are a major upgrade to the previous portable titles. In this game, we move to this mountain village to start our new farm life…but the thing is, we forgot which village bordering the mountain we were going to farm at! We must choose between the livestock specializing, Bluebell, or the crop specializing, Konohana and work towards the prosperity of both towns!


12 thoughts on “Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns 3DS – Episode 1: Too Many Tutorials”

  1. YAAAASSSSSSSSS I just started replaying this too. Never got around to finishing it back in the day but now as an adult I have more motivation to finish storylines. I’m excited to watch you play too 😭😭😭 what an awesome choice

  2. Congratulations for your new LP of Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns. I've been waiting for this game too. I played this game on DS version despite I just began this game.

    Yeah Malon, oh no she fell. Well two people after she woke up, they are Rutger the mayor of Bluebell and Ina the mayor of Konohana. They both introduced their village to Malon, so she could make a decision which village Malon will choose to live on. Malon decided to live on Bluebell, bye Ina. Rutger gave the outfit for Malon first. When entered Bluebell, Malon saw Tunnel, but it's blocked. Tutorials are nearly happen for a week. In the morning, Rutger invites Malon to Town Square and tell about message board.

  3. Surprise, the guest that runs a farm which is Jessica. She gave Malon a free cattle and chicken. Hello both Bessie and Cucuo. Jessica explains the way to take care of animals. The baby system is somewhat annoying. Just like Wonderful Life series or Tree of Tranquility, time runs inside the building. Coming out from the farm, Rutger explains the shipping box. Time to introduce to everyone.

    Take request from Grady and learn about hand fish. Also take request from Georgia about critter catching. Eileen shows up for collecting some materials. Caught fish by using bare hands. Jump on the Toadstool and slide. Hop into the water and got Walnut. Caught Spotted Locust and got level up, toodles 🎶. Fulfilled the request from Georgia and Grady, got a reward.

  4. I has this game for DS and then bought the 3DS download. Don't know why, lol. I tried to play the DS version but for some reason put it down after starting it (must've been the tutorials, lol.), and never picked it up again. I had been thinking about this game a lot lately. Seeing it now, I see where they got a lot of the stuff for the first SOS game from. I remember picking Bluebell to live in, myself. I wanted to be able to have more animals and there was enough room for a little gardening so I didn't feel I was missing out. I didn't know about moving to a different town. That's kinda neat. I love the art and style of this game. Can't wait to play it myself.
    It was fun to watch your first episode, looking forward to the rest.

  5. Ah this is the harvest moon game that I've played the most. I would have played more but i don't like the fact you have to wait a whole month to get any exciting things built on your farm, so i stopped playing it. Cant wait to see your let's play on it. OMG the music is so nostalgic to me like AH.


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