Happiness in Relationships and Work, and Dangers of Social Media, with Gad Saad

Megyn Kelly is joined by Gad Saad, author of “The Saad Truth About Happiness,” to talk about whether happiness is something we’re born with or if it can be learned and taught, how the media business is not generally conducive to happiness, Saad’s very not happy life growing up, how social media is making kids less happy, the personality traits that lead us to happiness or unhappiness, what extroversion or emotionality mean for people, Rob Reiner’s lack of a pathway to happiness, happiness in relationships through “novelty,” the different kinds of animals and their interest in “variety,” how regret affects happiness, whether money leads to happiness, career and happiness, kids and dogs, and more.

Saad’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Saad-Truth-about-Happiness-Secrets/dp/1684512603

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44 thoughts on “Happiness in Relationships and Work, and Dangers of Social Media, with Gad Saad”

  1. How can one remain in a positive mindset when coworkers push lgbtq agenda at work, criticize every religion, and push alcohol and more. The career path is fulfilling, but the new state of attitude is very negative.

  2. If you want a dog for a sedentary lifestyle, get an English Bulldog!! They are the laziest dogs ever. But you'll also never get to read again because they want ALL of your attention every waking minute!! But they arre sweet, sweet dogs!!

  3. I have to disagree with the outdated notion that extraversion means more happiness. Just because you feel more excited talking to others does not mean that makes you happier. I am just as happy if not happier having fewer, more meaningful relationships or just having alone time with myself. Honestly the thought of having a lengthy conversation with a stranger on a beach sounds draining for me.

  4. You earned the money that you have? 🤣🤣 If you think working for Fox, MSNBC and CNN and getting paid millions of dollars for it classifies as “earning” it then your world view is completely fkd up! So called “news reports” bring absolutely nothing of real value into the world and we as a society have our priorities all fkd up when news anchors get paid millions of dollars but the people who literally keep everything in this country running get paid pennies and struggle to survive even though what they do for a living actually brings real value into the world. Yeah, you’ve had to work so so hard for your millions of dollars sitting at a desk all day in air conditioning, having people wait on you hand and foot, getting so many different plastic surgeries that you aren’t even recognizable to what you looked like 10 years ago! You people have NO clue what a hard days work is

  5. I don't think it's appropriate to call someone (Tucker Carlson) disparaging names by re-showing a clip. It doesn't matter who it is. It's bad form and shows pettiness. Maybe Gad should stick to fawning over Prince Harry.

  6. I like your fire, your cute when you get mad, & you look a lot younger. I'm not hitting on you, I'm 79, & been happily married for 57:years. Your just very good at your job keep it up. C. C. Clingan, author, Patroit' & Rebel

  7. I like Megan as well. But the fact she supports Meta by being on Instagram I feel she could go either way. She's smart, beautiful and has many assets mentally, but the Instagram turned me off.

  8. Megyn Kelly has always been my favorite journalist, and this episode is a true testament to how amazing of a role model she is for young women today. From 33:4834:34 really hit home for me, as a college student applying to law school and hoping to be even just a slice of what a powerful and successful woman she is. I am always inspired by how she maintains the utmost standard of class, poise, and intelligence in any subject. As a former intern for the gubernatorial DeSantis campaign in FL, I am more than excited for her episode with his interview!

  9. No, no, no MK. You are in a relationship where you are kind loyal holding open – and seemingly empathic – when I wish you would pick that slippery evasion up, you do; defending my womanhood allowing me to feel it was squashed by the other and note my unneeded blocking of seeing that. Just because you cannot see me – dare I say us – you seem to be genuinely connected from here – allbeit on trust and aware to some extent at least, I'm here.

  10. I did an essay in my college English class about social media being a negative impact on society and our mental health. We're going to become so far advanced that we're going to crave how things used to be. If you think about it, 90s trends are starting to come back. We're grasping onto what used to be because we cannot go back. We're too far gone.

  11. I would like to argue that what if instead of our ancestral women being promiscuous, what if ra*e was more common.. and I ask this because women married a lot younger in the past, as young as 11.

  12. Again, this is a bunch of BS. It's been proven that people with money, live healthier; happier , longer lives than people that don't have money. It's a fact. Money will NOT buy you happiness. But it brings security, less stress, and the ability to do what you want when you want.


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