Happiness. A Short Story by the Anton Chekhov.

Anton Chekhov’s short story “Happiness” centers around two shepherds, Panteley and his young assistant, who discuss the elusive nature of happiness while watching over their flock in the Steppe. One night, they encounter an old Tartar, who shares a story about a hidden treasure buried in a forest and believes that discovering this treasure would bring true happiness. This tale ignites a sense of hope and curiosity in the young assistant, who becomes obsessed with the idea of finding this treasure and the happiness it could bring.


4 thoughts on “Happiness. A Short Story by the Anton Chekhov.”

  1. The old man looking down at the ground. (he’s grounded. Knows where he is in the world. Looking down through his long life.) 🌒
    The youth was looking up at the stars. (He is young, filled with life, ambition, idealism. Looking forward upon his life and what was to become.) 🌘🌕
    A wonderful metaphorical beginning to a story and so like Russia in 19th century. Does the heart of the Russian people still beat as it did then?

  2. As read emotionally by the AI, this is an ugly story. It should be read with melancholy and wistfulness, with longing. The AI read it with anger. Not the story as meant at all. That’s why Shakespeare is still relevant. It can be interpreted as it’s seen by the director in the past, the now, the future, or in fantasy (as long as the basic emotion and meaning of the plays are adhered to. As far as interpretation and fantasy go, “Kiss Me Kate”, is a wonderful example 😌😙😄 (If you haven’t seen it, do look for ”Brush Up Your Shakespeare” – it’s such a Marvelous scene in song and dance.) 🌷🌱

  3. Thank you! I find no problem with the reading, but rather disagree with the introductory interpretation of the story. I believe that every listener should be able to form his or hers own understanding of the story. Your work is a service to humanity, appreciate it greatly!


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