Hamza Yusuf gave the necessary response to the protesters in Ris.

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28 thoughts on “Hamza Yusuf gave the necessary response to the protesters in Ris.”

  1. Fan worship is never a good thing. I remember Malcolm X said something wrong and he was corrected at a University. And he accepted his mistake. That was Malcolm X! someone who died for what he believed in.

  2. Yes sheikh Hamza is a scolar of Islam
    But in times of emotional stress running high he needs to take care wht comes over the Tongue 👅
    People are already running on jetfuel
    Thn letting the wrong come out could be detrimental
    But Allah forgives us all for our shortcomings no 1 is perfect

  3. People have this rose tint view of islam. Wake up. We are divided by nation states. We dont have the power in the world. When the prophet(S.A.W) was in Mecca, he watched his companions suffer, especially those that had no protection, and he himself suffered much. But he understood, the muslims didn't have the power then. When they did, they took action. Too many people want to jump to unrealistic visions of the world

  4. I will ALWAYS LOVE THIS MAN. I pray that he continues to speak and teach us all as he has for so many years and to save him from arrogance and ignorance and the attacks of those who would discredit him due to misunderstanding and/or jealousy. ❤❤❤

  5. Hamza Yusuf you have been exposed ! Let me tell you about the patience and strength of the Palestinian umma that have suffered great loses and brutal occupation and pain for over 75yrs in SILENCE that have continued quietly trying to live there horrific lives .. WE ARE NO LONGER GOING TO STAY SILENT …THATS A DEMONIC STATEMENT ON YOUR PART TO SAY … YOU MY FRIEND WOULDN’T LAST AN HOUR IN THERE SHOES , ESPECIALLY LIVING YOUR LUXURIOUS LIFE STYLE ! Hamza if I was you I would check my self and my heart .. if you don’t bleed tears of pain for Palestine then you lack Eman .. FREE PALESTINE FROM HYPOCRITES AND EVIL ..AMEEN

  6. Based on what scripture should we all ‘stay silent’ ?!?! … this is preposterous.

    The silent history of the oppression of Palestinians for the last 75yrs was ridiculously silent on the world stage.

    It was so silent it was ‘deafening’ … and Hamza wants more silence ?!?!?

    Ridiculous !!! who threatened him … or paid him?

  7. People crossing the line and making their emotions an excuse to act unislamically.
    How can you disrespect such a philosophical giant, Sheikh Hamza is an amazing scholar!
    How can we doubt each other's sincerity with Palestine as muslims, dissapointing

  8. Coomon Skeik stop mincing words .
    75 years of Oppresion and you cant see it .
    i Dont agree with you and we want to Islam to survive and we dont want our tongues cut of because we spaeak Arabic .
    Ans its our rite to Defend our land and faith

  9. Selamun Aleykum, May Allah protect us from hypocrites like these, advicing to "suffer in silence"
    All of us, including those following him, we will be called under the leaders we follow on judgement day and we will be asked , over 1.5 billion of us, what was your respond to the genocide of your own Ummat, while 11,000 babies killed in 70 days?
    While sincere Jewish for the sake of truth even in NY Grand Central taking it over, didnt mind to get arrested or get filed, hypocrite cowards like these will suffer and silent or not we will see about that.
    Unless he is in zionist payroll for good he should make tevbe, apologize publicly and get his act together

  10. he didnt clarify his stance on jihad
    he didnt clarify his stance on sharing aqsa compound
    he didnt retract his statement about palestinian resistance calling them extremists like the zionists
    he never clarified the stance of his sheikh who is A NORMALISER

  11. The religion which teaches us to sit back and suffer injustices and oppression and just do our rituals and prayers is a irrelevant religion very distant from real life. Religion has become a fantasy to make us feel good for staying selfish, useless cowards.

  12. We know that there is different class and thinking levels in any societies. Some lag behind…some are educated. This is normal battles of life …we were not designed to think the same…like minds usually will be together. It is what it is at the end the day

  13. Sir Ahmad Deedat spent his whole life promoting peace. Mastering the bible he provides us with a dimension never seen before (one-sided) by the (muslim) world. In one of his talks 'Mother of all injustices', he was greatly disrupted by emotional people. If the atomic bombs are in the hands of 'emotional people', the world would end in seconds.

  14. I wish people will live in Palestine and experience what Palestinians go through, come back and then make up your fatwas. Muslims didn’t steal from anyone when they build masjid al aqsa, the dome of the rock. The land belongs to Muslims and the only true religion of the end of time.

  15. "A time is coming to humankind when none will be advanced but the schemer, and none will be adorned but the profligate, and none will be debased but the just. They will consider charity to be a loss, loving kindness in relationships to be a favor, and worship to be arrogance before others. In that time, rulership will be through the counsel of women, the authority of youths, and the devices of eunuchs." Imam Ali from "Living and Dying with Grace," Counsels of Hadrat Ali, translated by Thomas Cleary, p.14

  16. I have also followed Sheikh Hamza for years, and benefitted greatly from his knowledge and wisdom. I wonder, for all the books and interviews sheikh Hamza has read and done, has he listened to the Gazans being slaughtered rn? Has he heard their despair and sense of abandonment by the Arab and Muslim world, and by the world in general? NO ONE who is speaking up for the Palestinians should be silenced, we shouldn’t be talking about anything else until this stops. They don’t need scholarship and nuance rn, they need action and intervention, and you don’t need to be learned and sophisticated to stand up for them. Even the best of creation, peace be upon him, was challenged by his companions, sheikh hamza, with all due respect, is not above mistakes and correction, and it is incumbent upon us to advise and correct our brothers when needed. WAllahu A’lam, and may Allah guide us all, and free and give victory to our brothers and sisters over the oppressors.


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