Hamas training for raid on Israel revealed | BBC News

Analysis by the BBC has revealed that Hamas held multiple training exercises in Gaza, ahead of their deadly attack on Israel on 7th October which claimed 1,200 lives.

BBC Verify and BBC Arabic have established that Hamas held military exercises over three years and posted the evidence on social media.

They practised hostage-taking, raiding compounds and breaching Israel’s defences during these exercises, the last of which was held just 25 days before the attack.

Several armed Palestinian groups joined Hamas in the assault on Israel. The groups carried out joint drills in Gaza, including at a site less than 1km from the barrier with Israel.

The Ocotober attack on Israel provoked retaliation which has led to the deaths of more than 14,000 Palestinians in Gaza, according to the authorities there.

Fiona Bruce presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Jonathan Beale.

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18 thoughts on “Hamas training for raid on Israel revealed | BBC News”

  1. New report from NYT of evidence Israel was aware of Hamas' attack plans provides further credence that Netanyahu allowed the border to be left open for Hamas to commit these atrocities at the time of a Peace & Love Music Festival !
    This has now allowed Netanyahu & his cronies to remain in power virtually indefinitely while war continues (probably for months and years) even though he would have been removed by now otherwise !!
    This is also being used by Israeli armed forces as justification with international allies for committing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians !!!

  2. Your bla bla and bla is just stupid to my ear ..i want to listen voice of humanity …no room in my ear to listen about genocide and hosoital bombers and kids killer women butcher …dont forget that your mother did not birth you for licking boots of capitalism

  3. Israel should occupy Gaza, otherwise the terrorists would be constantly attacking them! They never love peace! They love to kill nonmuslims! That is the way they were educated from childhood to hate and kill Jews and Christians! Their Guruji has taught this only! Lies and hatred mixed!

  4. Israel knew. Israel wanted it. Israel killed some of its own people in retaliation to blame Hamas. Israel planned the genocide as retaliation. Israel lied in order to shock the world to get support for genocide.


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