Halo Reach MCC Mod – Mythic Overhaul Campaign (Mod Showcase)

Whats up everyone :D. Today, I got something special for everyone, and it is MythicJaqui’s Halo Reach Mythic Overhaul of the campaign! This has been a mod that I’ve been following for a while and even played the firefight portion. Now he has finally released the campaign version of the mod on both nexus and steam workshop. I’ll provide both links here. To give the cliffnotes version of what this mod is, it is basically a sandbox overhaul of the campaign that includes almost every single weapon, enemy, and vehicle from every halo game (including some not in the games). This was an absolute blast to play through and I’m already on my third play through. Huge shoutout to @MythicJaqui for getting this out to everyone and creating an absolutely stellar mod. Hope everyone else has a beautiful day or night and remember to love yourselves guys 🙂

Noble Actual- 0:00
Winter Contingency- 3:35
Oni: Sword Base- 24:16
Nightfall- 44:37
Tip of the Spear- 1:06:12
Long Night of Solace- 1:28:47
Exodus- 1:59:15
New Alexandria- 2:22:19
The Package- 2:45:10
The Pillar of Autumn- 3:10:25
Lone Wolf- 3:36:22
Outro- 3:41:35

Nexus Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/halothemasterchiefcollection/mods/2220
Steam Workshop Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2899746029
Creator’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChxiI99ld94HhppML9DcsbQ


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