Hallie Jackson NOW – June 6 | NBC News NOW

Hallie Biden testified on Hunter Biden’s drug addition, Kansas City Chiefs’ lineman BJ Thompson went into cardiac arrest during team meeting and a common sugar substitute is linked to increased risk of heart attack and stroke. 
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50 thoughts on “Hallie Jackson NOW – June 6 | NBC News NOW”

  1. Hunter Biden is a recovering drug addict who lied on a gun application? While high on crack? And was getting it in with his brother's widow? Who was also high on crack? 😂😂😂 Trial for the Springer show, 🙏 RIP Jerry ✨️. Give the man a yellow vest and a grabage scooper for 18 months and call it a wrap.

  2. Your gravitation toward "everything that tastes good is bad for you" is due to commercialism and social conditioning from a very early age. The high risk associated with routine consumption of Xylitol sweeteners outside the doses in naturally occurring substances concerns only a "restricted group of people." Sure! If you happen to be a diabetic, you'd be betting high on continued consumption of these processed sweeteners.

  3. So Hunter didn’t consider himself to be an addict but he actually was and others begged him to get clean. Doesn’t that explain the whole gun affair? 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Think I’m not getting it 🤨

  4. Was he addicted at the time he did the application? What a stupid question.. it’s like asking an alcoholic if he was still an alcoholic. Once a … always a …

  5. This Discussion Of Purchasing A Gun Should Be Of Discussion But Only According To The Main Circumstances Of What The Main Objective Of Use Will It Be Put Thru And That This Choice Of Weapon Should Be Discussed More Thoroughly For The Basis Of Purchasing A Weapon Not For Purchasing The Weapon To A Substance Abuse For Their Is Even Certain People Who Abuse Water, Food, Or Even Gasoline In Vehicles For A Very Small Use Of Example. Though This Choice Of Substance Is Frowned Upon Do To The Prolonged Effects Of Causing Impulsive Aggressive Behavior To Manifest Periodically Without Full Control Along With The Transition Of The Brain Functions To Slowly Fail In Quick Pondering Of Thoughts Due To Keeping The Mind Awake For Constant Periods Of Time But Only Happen When Abused In An Unmedicated Scenario. These Vortex's Are Perhaps Happening Due To The Atmosphere Combining As Our Planet Rotates On It's Axis Thru Out It's Gravitational Pull Based On The Magnetic Fields It Collides With That Certainly Is The Product Of The Test Inventions Of Producing More Hydrogen And Oxygen Into The Atmosphere Of This Ecosystem Which With The Warmer Climate Due To Our Closing Towards The Solar Sun Star Throughout Our Polar Shift On The Axis Shift Of Our Orbit Through Space Is What Is Setting Off This Unnormal Behavior In The Separation Of Storms That Normally Happen In The Ocean Part Of The Planet But Is Moving At Velocities Due To Towards Solar Wind Hitting Our Atmosphere From Outer And Inner Space Of This Star Cluster.

  6. This Climate Is Coming Our Solar Sun Star Imploding At Small Bursts That Interject Heat At Stronger Forces To Reach Our Planet Faster And Also As Our Orbit Nears The Sun Just As Venus Neared The Solar Sun In Previous History Of Our Star Cluster It Burnt The Civilizations Their Into Crisp Leaving Only A Small Rock Metallic Formation That Is Normally Caught In The Gravitational Pull Of The Solar Sun That Results In Venus Being Normally In Close Range Orbit Of The Stationary Point Of The Solar Sun Star. Next Point This Also Happened To Mercury And Mars. Next Valid Topic This Discussion Of The War Veterans Are Relevant For Their Sacrifice Upon Themselves Did In A Small Bit Result In A Lower Hostile Form Of Government In That Area. This Must Be A Bit Beyond Outlandish Of This Accusations If This Actually Happened This Is A Bit Disturbing That This Behavior Is Still Happening In This Time Standard Of Historical Records That Have Happened Obviously This Man's God Is The One Who Murders Which Is A Curse In It's Self. These Air Bars Known As Juuls Are A Clean Form Of Inhalation Vs. Carbon Monoxide Vs. Gas Fumes That Destroy The Thinking Mind To A Primitive Subbordant Frame Of Thinking That Is The Result Of Less Oxygen Being Provided To The Brain Functions. As For NVDIA They Known That They Are Guilty Just As Bill Gates Was Guilty At One Point Of Espionage Of Documents Without Proper Permissionable Laws Being Granted NVDIA Has The New Era Of Video Surveillance With Body Imaging And Facial Recognition Along With Audio Which Is A Problem For This Audio Can Get Mangaled And Be Used In Wrongful Ways Of Use Against The Victim Of Their Voice Being Audio Recorded That Can Result To Say Something You Actually Didn't Originally Intend To Say. As For This Bribery Topic It Is Frowned Upon But Since The Destruction Of The Super Earths And That Dark And Evil War Bribery Is But Mere Form Of Legislation That Bullies Against The Lesser Gifted Group Of Individuals. Which In A Small Form Of Understanding Could Be Accepted And Gradually Used In A Proper Way Of Use That Becomes Beneficial Towards Updating Our Technology Since It Is No Longer Valid To Say The Original Owners Claim The Power Since The Outcome Of Another Global War Could Happen If Groups Of Societies Got Their Devices That They Traded And Purchased To Receive To Be Able To Use Under Their Name And Responsibility. Though I Am Of The Vote That Not All Should Be Allowed To Have Full Accessibility To These Devices Due To The Possibly Creation Of The Draconian Fever That Results From Over Use Of Technology Without Proper REM Sleep That Is Needed For The Brain Functions To Process Correctly As For Honey This Substance Is Poison To The Body Hence Diabetes Being A Outcome Result Of Over Use Of These Consumables.

  7. The Important Values Is That These Items Of Acholic Substance Don't Get Abused For The Substances Were Originally Created To Properly Clean Areas That Caught A Possible Form Of Disease Upon It. As Upon The Word Astronaut Which Is Originally A Term For Intergalactic Expansions Upon Other Habitatiable Planes Of Existence Whether Neptune Or The Known Planet That's Referenced As The Moon. This Area Is Of Much Need To Expansion Upon The Planets Again To Be Properly Done This Time With Standards Of Law And Respect To Be The Up Most Conformity Of God And The Honorable Chosen By Skills, Principles, Privileges, Knowledge Of Wisdom And Abilities Of Power To Be Displayed Upon Others Those Who Were The Chosen Witnesses To Protecting The Order Of Establishment Of Understanding Along With Sensation Of Love Built Around Mercy Though Needed To Be Established By Promises That Do Not Become Empty Sky.

  8. Biden is a recreational drug user..just like a lot of us humans, we tend to have fun with something, grow tired of it and then toss it..he doesn,t look or act like an addict and I know addicts…he,s not one..word..

  9. 2:28 "Hey I don't want Hunter or my kids to hurt themselves…. What's that? Well, no if someone finds it in the dumpster that's their problem thags illegal to dunoster dive!"

  10. Halle, truthfully, how many out of control Mom's actually contrive the emergency state, bc they know this much, they can use their kids to justify their irrational, unreasonable, and grossly hypocritical exuded behaviors?
    I think being analytical is justified by analysis. I'm not saying I know Halle Biden got a case of overloaded. I think scrutinizing all involved is not only justified, absolutely justice, as well.

  11. A lot of people who are drug addicts don’t consider them selves to be drug addicts. So, unless the prosecution can prove Hunter knew he was a crack addict and lied on that form, I’m saying not guilty.

  12. Well, hey, they had a shut up Alex Jones for the same things, and look what he’s paying restitution of same holds true for you Mr. Bannon
    So what we’re saying here as you can actually be sued for free speech


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