Half in the Bag: Snow Falls (2023)

Mike and Jay narrow down some of the worst rated films of 2023 and pick one to watch. It’s called Snow Falls and its something someone made that takes place in a large cabin house. Digital snowflakes fall on snowflakes as they gets cold in the film and can’t handle basic survival skills or something and they just get too cold because of the film’s premise. Someone made a movie and wanted you to watch this movie cause the trailer makes the movie look like it could be fun. It kind of looks like a movie you’ve seen before. Young people in a cabin and things happen but in this film nothing really happen. It gets cold and they can’t leave the cabin, but they really can. I guess the roads are out but no one ever show me that. Why not drive away from cold house? Why not? No one liked this film, but Mike and Jay may talk about it for longer than anyone on Earth. Why did they? Why review this when them could review newer better or more populated films? When? Why nots go to the movie theater and watch newer movies? Corovid-19 isn’t no longer a danger to them? Whys they afraid of movies? Popcorn pigs? Nacho slurpers? Loud stinkers? Yes. People in movie theater smell of B.O. Jay leave theater to go home and cry. Mike stay in theater and cry there. Loud popcorn piggies wipe boogers on their Captain America t-shirts. wipe off popcorn grease on their sicko blue jeans. if they play Snow Falls in moopie theater then people would leave after they ate their nachos and pizza and popcorn and chicken wings and slurped their 900 oz sodas and threw their trash and chicken bones all over the floor for others to clean.


47 thoughts on “Half in the Bag: Snow Falls (2023)”

  1. Director: Ok, so I got this great idea for a horror movie! A bunch of kids go to a cabin in the woods and they–
    Producer: Get attacked by demonic forces?
    Director: No…
    Producer: Hunted one by one by a slasher?
    Director: No… They just freeze to death!
    Producer: That's never been done before… BRILLIANT!

  2. As soon as I saw the trailer I immediately thought to myself “this is such a local University of Utah film student idea where the technical work is good but the writing and ideas are awful” and as soon as Mike said the director was from Utah I drove 15 mins from my apartment in Salt Lake to the campus and blew it up so it’s short film spawn can never hurt all of you like it’s hurt us ever again. Imagine Dragons are next.

  3. about the snowy scenes that look overly compressed – it happens when the compression algorithm can't handle all of the random tiny objects flying through the whole picture, Tom Scott has an amazing video on it

  4. There already exists a movie about elderly people hanging out after getting stranded in the woods, it's called The Company of Strangers and it's actually really good for a Canadian film. Very quiet and introspective without any two-faced murder pilots though.

  5. Person who lived in Utah for 43 years here, southern Utah is actually the warm part, but up north in the SLC area, it frequently gets to single digits in the nights and morning. This guy just can't write a movie.

  6. I am surprised though when I watch RLM the amount of videos in their background seems to fluctuant from time to time. Have they been cleaning up their old tapes from BotW series? An I still would like to see Mike and Rich talk about DS9 if their hearts are still in it lol.


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