Half in the Bag: Evil Dead Rise

An Irish guy shot the latest installment of an American franchise in New Zealand. It’s Evil Dead Rise! The first Evil Dead movie in a decade. Is the new film worth traveling to a disgusting movie theater to see??? Only the idiots that bring their crying infants to a disgustingly violent R-rated movie know for sure!


44 thoughts on “Half in the Bag: Evil Dead Rise”

  1. I do feel like with this one vs the other remake that they did let Cronin do his own thing it did have alot of elements from the OGs but I still feel it was unique enough.

  2. I don't know why they insist on making Evil Dead movies that don't star Bruce Campbell and aren't directed by Sam Raimi. Without one of those two I couldn't give a shit less about anything Evil Dead.

  3. Evil Dead 2013 is so underrated, and its still effective and over the top… I found Evil Dead Rise to be lacking in over the top moments… ie, the girl get her face tattooed instead of her eye.

  4. I've always found it strange how much these guys don't like going to the theater. Are there annoying idiots out there, sure, but just watching everything at home seems so sad.

  5. this movie would have been perfect if it had 10% more comedy. don't switch out the final actress. she's perfect. too bad the best part of the movie was only the last 15 minutes. problem is, she's gonna be protecting two kids now. pretty rough. maybe deadites give child support? is raimi pro life? 2 souls? lol.

  6. You should go to New Zealand, it's nice. You don't need an excuse 😂. Also, it's super super rare to find Americans that can do an Aussie or NZ accent. No idea why, they just can't lol.

  7. The fact that they're moving away from the goofy stuff is kind of pointless for a movie under the Evil Dead umbrella at that point why couldnt they just leave the franchise alone and make a new movie under a different name entirely.

  8. Common RLM win where the boys actually use their brains to critique a film rather than relentlessly suck it off simply because it has gore in it like 95% of the braindead reviews for this film. Reviewers and critics really don't realise that they are the reason films like newer Marvel and Star Wars are so trash. They're telling film producers that they will praise mediocrity highly and keep paying to see them as long as they have a gimmick/trope to trick their baby brains into thinking it's good such as hyper-gore, CGI, explosions, meta-comedy, already established franchises etc.

  9. Not a movie, but Power Rangers is filmed in NZ with Americans who claim it's in America, and sometimes have New Zealand actors. So there's that.

    They do all sorts of weird things with film here, except for having a decent film industry of our own.

  10. Raimi has been making the same book of the dead movie for 40 years… (and i would include The Legendary Journeys and that new creepshow 'sode)… don't understand the enthusiasm

  11. I'm somewhat surprised you guys didn't tear this movie a new poop-hole, frankly, as it annoyed the hell out of me, & I thought it stank to high heaven.

    I thought it was one of those tedious horror flicks where, until the 3rd act, no-one seemed capable of showing any goddamn agency whatsoever – preferring to mostly just stand there like stunned f**king mullets in order for the Evil Dead to attack them – AGAIN & AGAIN & A-frikking-GAIN!!! And whenever they DID finally move, it was like they were moving in slow motion, which is a total rank amateur's directing fault (though I know this wasn't Lee Cronin's first horror feature, though I hope & pray that it'll most certainly be his last).

    Ugh. It's been a while since a movie annoyed me quite so much as this steaming stinking pile of donkey-poop (oh, hang on, no it wasn't, it was only since the equally-turgid brain-freeze 'Ant-Man: Quantumania'…! Oh well!)

  12. didn even realize the danny kid was trans until i left the theater and my lady was referring to the “three daughters” and looked at me like a dumbass when i said the DJ was a boy. i guess thats subtle enough then?

  13. Hearing "Evil Dead beats" makes me want a movie called Evil Deadbeats where the evil is released in a dive bar full of irresponsible parents

  14. Paused the review before it started and I just finished the movie. Loved the originals, really liked the 2013 reimagining/reboot. This new one looked baller and had lots of gore, but fuck was it awful. And when a horror fan starts doing the dishes 30 minutes into the film, you know you're in trouble. If I didn't like it and felt nothing for the characters, I can only imagine what Mike snd Jay have to say about it 😂…

  15. I think the main reason Raimi, Campbell & Tapert keep putting out Evil Dead material is mostly due to the fact no matter what completely unrelated project they're promoting, the constant question posed is "When ya doing more Evil Dead?" Raimi being about the most polite, warm & friendly guy in Hollywood, feeling compelled to oblige. And ultimately, yeah they recognize there'll also be a couple of bucks to pocket after the fact. The fact Rise turned such a tidy profit already, sure implies peoples aren't tired of it. Neither of the recent two films rival the surprisingly quality of the show, but I did actually have a far better time enjoying this new one, maybe not as unrelentingly grisly as the 2013 edition but a helluva lot more of a rollercoaster ride. Actually felt invested in what was happening to whoever during. Also, goddamn, heaping deadite violence upon tweens instead of 20something college students, something bold about that.

  16. The original films basically just soon as you go into the movie, terrible sh*t starts happening lol… rollercoaster ride of gore/violence. The Evil Dead reboot and Evil Dead RIse were so good. Not at all what I normally expect from reboots or newer chapters in classic series… usually those are huge let downs, idk. I thought this latest was very well done.


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