Hadrian's Wall: Ancient Rome's Great Northern Frontier | Odyssey

Dan Snow explores the physical remains of Hadrian’s vast project of 122AD – over 80 Roman miles of wall, turrets and forts, stretching from coast to coast across northern England. Mile after mile of stone marching over the horizon.

But why did the Romans go to all this effort? We dig into the key questions: was the wall a barrier or a porous border; a hubristic vanity project or a vital line of defence; who lived on and around the wall; and why has it endured in popular culture for nearly two thousand years, right up to Game of Thrones?

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21 thoughts on “Hadrian's Wall: Ancient Rome's Great Northern Frontier | Odyssey”

  1. I loe getting lost in thought about all the adventures and.happenimgs that must have gone on at the Wall so long ago. All the patrols, attacks, the seemingly boring logistics behind supplying the forts, etc.

  2. A captivating exploration of Hadrian's Wall, a monumental feat of ancient engineering and a symbol of Rome's reach into the northern frontier. This video offers a fascinating glimpse into the strategic significance of the wall and its impact on the region's history. It's a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of the Roman Empire, as well as the enduring legacy of their frontier defenses. A must-watch for history enthusiasts

  3. the answer to how they wiped themselves is.. there were two servants on either end of the bench, that is seen with the large flat worn stones they stood on,, and above then at waist level was the ledge for the water pitchure.. these attendants poured water over their back side to allow the attendees to hand wipe themselves with the water provided.. as seen at 26:11 time stamp…

  4. 만리장성 같다. ㅎㅎ
    1882 출간된 Asiatic History 와 한국역사 싸이트 동북아넷에 의하면 로마는 진나라로 로마제국이 China. China는 진나라에서 유래되었기 때문
    진나라가 세운 성이 만리장성인데 로마제국이 진나라이니 만리장성은 로마제국이 세운 셈.
    그리고 Hadrian's Wall을 보니 시기는 좀 다르지만 로마제국 즉 차이나가 세운 만리장성을 연상케 하네 ㅎㅎ

  5. I’m sure that the Barbarians were allowed through with their livestock – as long as they paid a toll fee. The Romans were all about money and did trade with anyone. The narrow gate would have allowed for better counting of the people and livestock in order to assess the toll. (And search for arms, no doubt.)

  6. Perceived "Savagery" from "Civilisation". I think the wall symbolised that Rome lacked the ability to truly conquer the 'killing-grounds' of the far North. The domain of the Highlander.


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