Gypsy Rose murdered her abusive mom – is she the victim?’s Caitlyn Becker examines the case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who is set to be released soon for the murder of her own mother.

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35 thoughts on “Gypsy Rose murdered her abusive mom – is she the victim?”

  1. Totally agree with everyone! Netflix should be showing what H&M r real like !There's lieing, stealing of the charities, and the cruel and evil things Things they do to get attention and money. And the way they treat the royal family, BUT I don't give a dam about h&m .I won't be watching the Netflix of h&m. Mind you if it's to show what H&M are doing .they lie ect. Maybe I might watch it.

  2. Deedees family flushed her ashes down the toilet if that gives you any idea of what an evil horrible woman she was. Yes Gypsy should spend timein jail but shes a victim on this. Her own mother lied and told her she had cancer and shaved her head ffs her mother also lied to habitat for humanity. Nick Godejohn should not be in jail for life either. Hes got a low iq and autism and was manipulated by Gypsy.

  3. I would like to know why all the doctors who couldn't find anything wrong never reported the mother to child services. I would think with all the doctors she went to, one would go…this doesn't seem right. Also, all the doctors folding like a wet blanket and giving in to Dee Dee's delusions blows my mind.

  4. I think before she is released, there should be a mandatory inpatient therapy for her probation and if she doesnt go, back into prision she goes. I think she adapted some traits of her mother with several other traumas and things- she seems very calculating and very manipulate, which is noraml for people with certain disorders, even anxiety disorder do it. They lie in order to protect themselves and to avoid traumatic experiences. I am afraid that if she is released without a proper therapy…. she will be back very soon. And I think her ex-boyfriends case should be reopened and re-assest. This seems absolutley not fair for him to rot in prision with autism and low iq, he probably doesnt even know what he did wrong. I would do the same with him, mandatory therapy for all the trauma he had to endure in prision and with her, and sent on parole.

  5. What about the boy he is a mentally ill , and she manipulated him to kill her mother . She knew exactly what she was doing. The apple did not fell far from a tree.

  6. Gypsy is a victim all day and twice on Sundays. She's been punished every single day of her life so far, and now it's time to leave her be. Let her find her peace in her own time. Gypsy, I hope you are in therapy now. Be kind and patient with yourself. One day at a time.

  7. Personally, I think Dee Dee was a villain and Gypsy Rose is a criminal. Dee Dee exploited and abused Gypsy Rose her whole life. That's outright cruel and villainous. Dee Dee created her own murderer, and I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for her. Dee Dee's victim was her own child while Gypsy Rose's victim was her abuser. I don't think murder is the answer and I don't think Dee Dee deserved to die, but I do think Gypsy Rose had somewhat understandable reasons for her crime

  8. Free Gypsy, she's been though enough in her life; she does to be happy. Her mother should have been in prison for everything she had put her daughter though in life, why didn't the Dr do their jobs and stop all that was happening to Gypsy. No proof of Gypsy having any medical conditions the Dr just went by her mother's words..

  9. while I don't agree with what happened with her mother, I do believe that she is definitely a victim of physical and mental abuse. Gypsy was imprisoned for so many years and her mother was brainwashing. she was purposely harming Gypsy her whole entire life. She deprived her of all of her childhood days because her mother was a monster. Gypsy should definitely go to therapy to try and reverse the sickening damage her mother placed upon her. I mean gypsy more than likely has the mental capacity of a child. I feel very sad for Gypsy but she definitely needed to be punished murder is never the answer.

  10. She is 100% a victim can you imagine finding out that you were 100% healthy after going through all those horrible painful treatments . She should have gotten off , her mother was keeping her prisoner


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