Guy Fieri's Frosted Tips || Mail Time

That which a rose brand card by any other name would pass on wishes as sweet. This mail time was originally recorded in April …


26 thoughts on “Guy Fieri's Frosted Tips || Mail Time”

  1. Having worked in a post sorting office (for a college)

    For the love of god, no metronomes. Or if you *must*, take the batteries out of them first.

    Otherwise, your box will be made to go boom.

    Liquids were so much easier to deal with than the metronomes of a school with a good musical department…

  2. Oof! Honest name mistakes are always awkward. I used to work for a conglomerate which included 'Canadian Bridge Supplies'. As in the card game, Bridge. I once had to field a phone call where after the customary greetings the confused caller asked "do you mix the concrete onsite or offsite?" and it went downhill from there before I managed to explain to them that we didn't have any concrete or steel available.

    (Don't blame them too much, I'm conveniently skipping over my confusion before I realized why they were confused. My first few responses were basically "uh no." "what?" "we don't carry those")

  3. Oh, the Star Wars RPG is actually fantastic. It's based on something called the "narrative dice system" – they've got good and bad symbols of varying degrees, and you actually can fail successfully or succeed poorly with them. Very good system, evolved into the intentionally generic Genesys.

  4. Random bit of trivia: Göteborg is the only city in Sweden that has a different name in English (Gothenburg) than in in Swedish. It is also my favourite Swedish placename to say.

  5. Generally speaking, it's not legal to mail alcohol in Canada or the US. Both countries have a whole list of regulations on who is allowed to ship alcohol and how they must do it… and that's just within the country itself. Trying to send it across the boarder is almost certainly not going to end well.

  6. Honestly, the touchiness of some American southerners to being called a Yankee has always baffled me. "Oh pardon me for confusing you with the side that A: Won, and B: weren't a bunch of slavers"

  7. I love mail time, and always want to contribute, except I can't figure out weird local stuff that isn't also local to them, as I live <50 miles away as the crow flies.
    Beej dying after "That's quite smooth" was great


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