Gun "Buyback" Plans Revealed For Canada: First Prince Edward Island, Then Everyone Else

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47 thoughts on “Gun "Buyback" Plans Revealed For Canada: First Prince Edward Island, Then Everyone Else”

  1. I have about 100,000 3D printed gun's I need to unload on some half witted, Pol-pot wannabe politician, that wants to "buy them back," what kind of price can I get?🤡

  2. As a Canadian, and though I do not own any firearms, I am against this bill that went through. Because they added all these extra fire arms at the last moment. I would sign any protest against it.

  3. How about we just have a referendum on what we do and what fire arms are banned. Hell they could even try asking the public is they buy back or just seize? Who here feels that would be the best idea?

  4. Trudeau is doing this only to motivate his base. He really wants Liberals to be as hateful as possible before the next election so they come out in numbers. They honestly think every gun owner is a sociopath. Very sad the populace can’t see through it.

  5. Just a fun fact the Harper Government brought in the Phoenix pay system even though the government had its own in house pay system that worked great. The always popular conservative montra privitize everything went amuck with IBM and the Phoenix system was created. The Phoenix system was something the Trideau government enherited, they also saw the closing of the Winnipeg pay office closed and spread to the four corners so that the new government could not simply cancel Phoenix and go back to the in house system.

  6. Did I hear this correctly that Canadian aboriginals are exempt of this mandatory gun buy back due to hunting rights ? If they are and the rest of us must comply , wouldn’t this fall under discrimination?

  7. Also many of those hunting weapons being banned are weapons which started out with armies around the world. Semi automatic weapons like the SKS were used with the Red Army and can be changed ro full automatic. It can also be adapted to the AK 47 magazine including the 30 round magazine. People against these bans have a way of being completely dishonestabout things just like in this video. Making assumptions and false claims jist to suit his own opinions. Fact is people support these new rules, people want new stronger gun laws because they see more shooting in Canada all the time. Unlike what people against these new bans would have people think gang violance accounts for just 6% of gun violence in Canada. Hand guns are not the largest issue. They are not the most common firearm related call as they would have you believ. In fact most legal guns in Canada are long guns and when some guy freaks out and holds his wife or girlfriend at gun point its a long gun and not a hand gun because fewer people own legal hand gins because of the strong restrictions already in place. Other popular legal fire arms is the copy cat types, AR looking guns chambered in small round which at a distance cannot be told from the real models. They have been popular with people who like to dress up and play weekend warrior all across the country. Those and sportster versions of military carbins which any semiskilled person can turn back into a full automatic with a high capacity magazine.

  8. So sick of this government. They have totally lost sight of the human implications of their decision making and legislation that is being tabled in the house of commons.

    Almost everything they are doing is to keep a smoke screen on how poorly they manage Canada.

  9. Much like those of us here in the States, our neighbors to the North have reached a point where they have two choices. Either one they could meekly acquiesce to theft by government that is unresponsive to the desires of their people and ignores the fact that they work for this community. Or, they can decide that they have reached a point where they have got to push back. Let's face it. Once they have no means to bring pressure against that tyrannical government up there it's not going to get any easier. The answer is the same both there and in the United States. Government that has become unresponsive to the people it claims to serve/work for must be removed and you have to start over. The time for being polite has passed. Now you're just going to have to poke them in the nose and kick them in the tail.

  10. It seems every day I see yet another report that reinforces my belief my parents were brilliant for emigrating to the US in 1956. My dad always said the socialists would ruin Canada.


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