Guild Wars 1 –The Villainy of Galrath quest (episode 23) #guildwars #nostalgia

Before jumping into the next mission I decided to spend some time exploring Kryta and hunting down the evil Galrath! Why he is considered a villain is unclear but he’s definitely a bad dude. (also worth a lot of xp!) If you enjoy this nostalgic Guild Wars 1 content, please like and subscribe to follow along!

#gaming #prophecies #quest #experience #explore #letsplay #guide


7 thoughts on “Guild Wars 1 –The Villainy of Galrath quest (episode 23) #guildwars #nostalgia”

  1. ~0:03:05 Chilblains is likely the reason why your energy is lower than expected. Seriously nerfs Claude as a battery, hence why I prefer each party member has some self energy management.

    I like the 6-man areas, but when vanquishing I'm often starting from Temple of the Ages for an 8-man party.

  2. Usually in all my playthroughs I was lvl 20 when I hit Lions Arch. And then you get the quest where you can steal elite skills from mobs. Many of them are not worth the hassle. But there are some combos that stuck to my memory, but not the details thereof. Like "Steam", that was a combo between a fire spell and a water spell. I remember vividly how I tried to steal that fire spell from a spirit in Vaabi.
    Still in my insatiable need to get to know the land I always expolored the surroundings before I made a mission. There is one vivid memory, that is the Tengu. They were always a pain in the …. neck! Usually they make you burn with hate, or simply they make you burn. If you think the lightning lizards are bad, try the prismatic lizards elswhere, I dont recall exactly where, likely in some cave of the dwarfes in Eye of the North.

  3. At the southern end of Tears of the fallen there is a large fish in the water. You cannot fight it but it is beautiful.
    Galrath is just a bandit. There is no history behind him. He hides behind Verata and his band of necromancers. Galrath may wear the equip of a white mantle, but he is not of the brotherhood and must have stolen the armour.


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