Guidance For The Muslims That Despair About The Catastrophe In Palestine by Shaykh Hasan Somali

6th Nov 2023
[00:22] An advise regarding the crisis in Palestine
[00:35] Some Muslims have started to despair regarding the crisis in Palestine.
[01:06] Atheists say, if there is a God, why does He allow this to happen?’
[01:32] Feeling pain over what is happening in Palestine is a sign of faith.
[02:02] The prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, ‘the believers are like one body.
[02:45] Everything that Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) decrees is according to His wisdom
[03:02] The patience and determination of the Palestinian people
[0320] The prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, ‘amazing is the case of the believer,
[03:47] Muslims believe in this life, the life of the grave and the life of the hereafter.
[03:56] Those who die in these conditions will die as martyrs in shā’ Allāh.
[04:36] The children of the Muslims and non-Muslims will go to Paradise.
[05:03] Allāh tests us with things to distinguish the good from the evil.
[05:40] The war has brought a lot of good to the Muslims and non-Muslims inspired by the Palestinians
[06:06] Many non-Muslims have started reading about Islām since the war started.
[06:36] Do not think that Allāh is unaware of what the wrongdoers do
[06:54] Mūsá told his people to be patient and seek the aid from Allah when Firʿawn was killing the males and letting the females live
[07:50] This is something that will come back to haunt the oppressors sooner or later.
[08:02] The importance of uniting upon the Qur’ān and Sunnah upon the understanding of the companions.
[08:33] Turning away from the commands of Allāh, it leads to weakness.
[08:41] Allah will not remove the humiliation from the Muslims until they return to their religion.
[09:35] The Muslims must be optimistic and have good thoughts about Allāh
[10:19] Who else could be patient with these kinds of tests and conduct themselves with dignity and honor and justice in the face of Islāmophobia and oppression?
[11:25] Since the current war in Palestine started, there is a trend of people returning to their religion and learning the religion.
[11:56] How September 11th and the war in Afghanistan and Iraq lead a lot of non-Muslims to turn to Islām
[12:12] Non-Muslims have started reading the Qur’ān because they see the resilience of the Palestinian children in the face of all this adversity.
[13:32] The Muslims stand for justice whether it is for us or against us.
[13:51] We condemn the killing of women and children everywhere, including Palestine and Israel or anywhere else in the world.
[14:01] We hold the world accountable to also stand for justice. Will the world condemn the killing of the innocent women and children in Palestine?
[14:18] Is the blood of the children of Palestine cheaper than the blood of the children of Israel?
[14:34] The champions in human rights cannot even call for a ceasefire.
Politicians are losing their posts as a result of calling for a ceasefire in Palestine.
[15:18] Fitnah exposes people’s true colors.
[16:04] Some people say that the people of Palestine are not innocent because they elected Hamas. Isis claimed that every western civilian is a target because they elected western governments.
[17:05] Allāh distinguishes the good people from the bad people.
[17:28] The fitnah of innovations exposes the people and removes their veil.
[18:16] Extremism exists in all religions, and regions of the world.


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