Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 RECORD LOW Box Office For Marvel After Weak Opening | How Will It Track?

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23 thoughts on “Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 RECORD LOW Box Office For Marvel After Weak Opening | How Will It Track?”

  1. Don't forget that Spider-Man across the spider verse is going to be coming out and lost it a few weeks and I do believe that movie is going to really kick all the other Disney releases out of the water.

  2. At this point i just want disney and all its subsidies to go down, also at this point i wouldn't actually mind if Apple got its claws on star wars they might actually know what to do with it, the house of mouse is a dumpster fire and they need to clean house or burn the bitch down either way the stockholders are morons for not trying to do anything about it

  3. Not gonna see it. Not gonna be the toothless battered woman telling the cops " he didn't mean to hit me! It's the last time, he swears! He's good to me sometimes!" They're all rich and me and mine are staring at a collapse. Nah.

  4. this is sad because it is a really good movie and deserves more,
    but yeah they've been churning out so many bad movies
    that people aren't even bothering to watch anymore.

  5. It's worth mentioning how bad the economy is today versus how it was when Guardians 1 and 2 came out… $50 to go to the movies doesn't go very far at the grocery store anymore

  6. This fat project needs to hit at a minimum of $600,000,000 to even break even, let alone even start to make sense in terms of investment. Disney needs to lower their budgets.

  7. The movie was not that good. Still great cast but the story was like watching toy story and the love for the characters was missing. Starlord without gadgets, all wore same outfits so the maybe could save time with makeup and Adam had a great actor but they did nothing with him. And the guardians were hardly able to save anyone (while planet got destroyes and noone cared) … too bad, I think I am done with comic movies … 😅

  8. Ok it’s official, that your a person who spreads false information, it made 318m worldwide and you think marvel isn’t happy with those numbers, dude get a real job and stop making false information


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