Grimbeard – Blair Witch: Volume I: Rustin Parr (PC) – Review

The Spookhouse Gang is back for one last ride and I pay full price for a game.

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00:00 – Intro
02:27 – History
11:10 – The Blair Witch Project
21:55 – Story
31:23 – Spoiler Break
31:47 – Spoilers
01:05:12 – End of Spoilers
01:10:53 – Gameplay
01:23:12 – Sight/Sound
01:32:54 – Conclusion
01:36:24 – Credits
01:45:32 – End


43 thoughts on “Grimbeard – Blair Witch: Volume I: Rustin Parr (PC) – Review”

  1. I need to make sure this wasn't my imagination due to sleep deprivation but did grimmy just do a deep southern accent that made me nearly piss myself in laughter? I'll check back tomorrow to make sure it wasn't a hallucination.

  2. I take offense with the supposition that racists used to be more granular in their prejudices. I've spent a lot of my life learning how to hate people for very specific generalizations, INCLUDING the Irish! For drinking too much and worshipping their Pope of Rome!

  3. In the nocturne video you said they put the blair witch game in the nocturne universe. I didn't even fathom how extreme it would be. I thought it'd be the Daemite reference maybe an easter egg of a character's name, but like stranger is right there. In the Blaire witch game. You play as the doctor lady. It's surreal, and so impressively confident of them

  4. It's a rare experience for a contrarian like me to watch a two hour video where I want to exclaim "YES!" to every other sentence. Thank you for covering another Spookhouse game and doing it such justice.

  5. I was 12 going on 13 when I saw the movie the first time and though the I never fell for the whole found footage aspect of it, I was very much like nope never going camping. While the movie as a whole wasn’t scary to me, but what was I would say nerve wracking was watching the cast starting to have break downs and losing their shit about being lost in the damn woods. Except for that last shot. That last shot is still one of the scariest and unnerving shots in modern cinema

  6. The crazy thing is I just started episode one of Twin Peaks season 3 and now it’s in another video. If it would have came out a day sooner season 2’s last episode would have been somewhat spoiled.

  7. Fairly certain @15:18 is the actress Louise Brealey (played Molly in Sherlock). Whether or not she actually was a film journalist or indeed training to be an actress at the time is another question

  8. I was 16 working at my local Regal Cinemas when Blair Witch came out. On opening night, a coworker and I made sure that one of us would be standing in the little vestibule so when people would round the corner to exit the theatre (immediately after the house lights came up)the first thing they would see was either of us facing the corner. We did it a handful of times until a startled woman punched me in the back of the head. She said sorry, and that I had startled her, as she didn’t see me until she was a few feet away. No big deal- the joy of scaring so many people was worth it. Although after that night I would request to work the box office or concession every other time I worked while Blair Witch was playing- I cleaned up A LOT of vomit due to that movie. I mean several piles- every showing.

  9. I'm so glad you finally talked about this game! The Gaming Brit made a video about it a couple years ago and it wasn't very good IMHO, and he didn't talk about the sequels so whatever.

    If someone asked me "name the best survival horror game from the late 90s/early 00's that isn't Resident Evil or Silent Hill" I'd instantly pick this one.
    Its only other competitor is arguably Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare, but I don't think it's anywhere near as well realized as Blair Witch: Rustin Parr.
    It's SO GOOD as a survival horror game. The storytelling is compelling, the characters are great, the investigative element is so well implemented into the Blair Witch lore. Maybe the writing isn't entirely spotless, but they did such a great job that it's so easy to ignore the handful of mistakes. I love this game so much and I've lowkey obsessed over it since back in the day. The real time rendered shadows alone still blow my mind with how good they looked at the time. Games simply didn't render shadows like this back then!

    You didn't even get to mention how on Hard mode, some of the puzzles are different. Solutions that worked on other modes don't exist, and you're forced to figure out different ways to progress. In fact, you can even make a mistake that softlocks your progress, making you load an older save (such as when you need to get the Sheriff out of the station to speak with the Deputy). This also includes new lines of dialog not present on lower modes.

  10. Have you played Гульмэн? You would get such a kick out of that. I'm sure you've played Мор Утопия. This game reminds me of the slavic style of games, it's because of the textures they chose to use. С.Т.А.Л.К.Е.Р is probably the best example because it's likely the most widely known & played Slavic game, it's not the pointy polygons. Lots of games have rough edges, super mario 64 doesn't have the same feel as с.т.а.л.к.е.р. It's the TEXTURESSSSS


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