Greta Van Fleet “Meeting The Master” Live Debut – Dreams of Gold Tour (Anaheim CA, 2023)

Filmed in Anaheim, CA. Greta Van Fleet – Dreams in Gold Tour. “First ever live performance“


32 thoughts on “Greta Van Fleet “Meeting The Master” Live Debut – Dreams of Gold Tour (Anaheim CA, 2023)”

  1. the band is awesome. the singer is annoying. sings the same way on every song and won’t shut up during his bother’s killer guitar solos. always has to be yelling over the music.

  2. Copies plants on stage mannerisms , Yodel’s What other Rock singer Yodel’s besides Robert plant 🤣

    Uses Vocal nasality while singing , Uses Glissandos while singing (Siren Vocal runs) His clothing Style Is almost exact of that to plants (blouses) and shirt designs

    Covered Zeppelin In School, Now Trying to Copy Robert Plants Van dyke beard he had in 1970 But somehow Aerosmith is the Inspiration. 💀💩💩

  3. Absolutely LOVED that concert,so happy for the music thank you all so much!!!!you ARE the future which i will nor be a part of until later again,but i'll remember cuz that is the point of life ….multi -dimensionality….see ya there…WOW,just WOW

  4. Reminds me a bit- Marshal Tucker Band intro – just excellent writing and playing . An overlooked band , best known for Flirtin With Disaster – Molly Hatchet. Simple Man – Lynrd Skynrd .. some truly great bands we have been blessed with over the years.

  5. if he’s gonna scat he’s gotta be near pitch. tough to do 2 hours of him being off. just stay out and let the music speak if u cant find the pitch. this isn’t a rant… I’ve seen them live several times. love them but man…


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