Greece Burns Under Nazi Occupation – WAH 074 – August 21, 1943

The aerial bombing of Germany takes a new turn but continues to fail to bring long-term results. In occupied Greece and Poland, over a thousand children are murdered by the Nazis.

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Hosted by: Spartacus Olsson
Director: Astrid Deinhard
Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson
Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Marek Kamiński
Community Management: Ian Sowden
Written by: Spartacus Olsson, Joram Appel
Research by: Joram Appel
Edited by: Karolina Dołęga
Artwork and color grading by: Mikołaj Uchman
Sound design by: Marek Kamiński
Colorizations by:
Mikołaj Uchman
Daniel Weiss
Spartacus Olsson

Source literature list:

Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters –

Image sources:
Imperial War Museums: FRE 7872, FRE 7734, FRE 4772, FRE 4896, FRE 7716, S15 34, C 3750, C 3747, MH 4728, TR 1093
Yad Vashem: 2CO1, 14202799, 14234246
National Archives NARA

Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound:
Force Matrix – Jon Bjork
Guilty Shadows 4 – Andreas Jamsheree
Last Point of Safe Return – Fabien Tell
Never Forget – Fabien Tell
Not Safe Yet – Gunnar Johnsen
Ominous – Philip Ayers
Please Hear Me Out STEMS INSTRUMENTS – Philip Ayers
Potential Redemption – Max Anson
Rememberance – Fabien Tell
Symphony of the Cold-Blooded – Christian Andersen
Weapon of Choice – Fabien Tell

A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.


40 thoughts on “Greece Burns Under Nazi Occupation – WAH 074 – August 21, 1943”

  1. Join the TimeGhost Army:

    I really struggled with the closing of this episode. I gave it several tries, wrote at least three versions that I threw in the proverbial dustbin. I mean what do you say about killing little kids? Somehow it defies commentary. Finally at two in the morning I gave in to what was going through my mind, and what I felt in my heart – all those days of lives that will never happen. It's tricky to end that way, to transition over the break from documentary prose to more poetic language is always hard. A proper poem needs much more work than I have at hand. Still, when reading it back the next morning, I felt it was the only thing that I could do here… make an account of their loss, of our loss as humanity. Futures unfulfilled that we miss every day without knowing it ourselves.

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  2. Interesting to hear about Bomber Harris chafing at being ordered to targeted strategic raids over murdering civilians. However, Peenemunde's destruction might seem pivotal for delaying the deployment of V-weapons, and the V-2 in particular, against which there was no defence.

  3. Your closing statement always gives me chills. Thanks for continuing to make this series. I know it can't be easy for you Sparty, or for your researchers. But you are doing A service to the world. Thank you.

  4. Greece suffered immensely under the Nazis. It was forced to make a huge "loan" to Germany, Germans stole everything from money, to food, to ore and even some ancient treasures and in essence have repaid almost nothing back.

  5. Thank you and your team once again for your work!!! I hope that you will also cover operation panther that lead to the destruction of 32 villages in Pindos, back in October 1943! One of the villages that were burnt was the one my father was born at, and i have heard several stories from the elderly about how they evacuated the village and hide in the caves of the surrounding mountains! Greece is a small country but has paid a big price in world war 2! I am so proud for anyone who opposed nasism and died for liberty! We will never forget!

  6. I was fortunate to meet Ian Stephens (former editor of the Statesman, who covered the 1944 Bengal Famine) in Cambridge a few years ago. He told me he had been very keen to interview Nehru and other Congress leaders then in jail. It turned out they were also keen and told him they had all read his coverage and were sure they would meet him soon because, "We were sure that very soon you would be joining us" (in jail!)…..

    I was also lucky enough to meet Satyajit Ray, whose amazing film Ashani Sanket (Distant Thunder) graphically and sensitively tells the story of ordinary people in Midnapur District experiencing the famine. Sadly I also worked in the famine of 1974-5, which is another story.

  7. I long for the day that this world sees only one collective race – human beings. The closing to this episode was so powerful that I sat, in tears and in silence, for several minutes. Thank you Spartacus, and all the TG team, for all that you do to bring these sad truths each week. Never forget.

  8. I couldn't even read the "first they came" poem to my daughter without choking up. I can't imagine being able to approach this subject without your example. It's hard to watch and god knows how hard it is to write, say aloud, but thanks guys.

  9. Spartacus….that poetry at the end was evocative of youth and very effectively made me feel the loss of all those thousands of kids who never had their chance at youth, adulthood or parenthood…. thanks for your work and worry over this!

  10. One must not forget that the germans did not this alone. They were greatly assisted by the trawinki.They played a large role in the operation reinhard camps and in the ghetto uprisings. They were also present at the Bialystok uprising. According to Sporrenberg they did the dirty work. They came from Ukraine,Estland,Lettland,Lithuania,Russia.

  11. I finished the video in tears. Spartakus speech told the truth. That is the reality of war. The only thing that matters. I live in Greece. My grandmother's brother Giannis was murdered in Chania, Crete (Agia Jail) by the nazis in reprisal for his older brother Nikos joining ΕΑΜ-ΕΛΑΣ (the resistance). Giannis was so young. Only 20. Nikos was so shuttered by this, he never recovered and struggled with clinical depression for the rest of his life. Maria, my grandmother, mourned him and remembered him until she died aged 93 in Athens a few years before. She talked about the day they took him from the house but she also wanted to remember the good times they has as children. They were so close. My grandma liked to dance, sing, party and eat ice cream and she did until her last breath. Listening to your speech it came to my mind that she also did it for him too, as he didn't have the chance. What you do with this series is valuable and difficult work. It is a social service. Thank you. We should never forget. War is the biggest failure of the human kind and must seize to exist as a concept altogether. Unfortunately that's not the case still, we see it Ukraine, Syria, Jordan as we saw it in Iraq and elsewhere. No more war. No more suffering. Never forget. Fight for peace ✊☮️

  12. I won’t forget. My family is from northern Greece. My uncle, a teenager was lined up and shot by the Germans in reprisals for partisan attacks. My grandfather on my mother’s side met some good natured soldiers, turned out to be Australians. After the war he took his family there and that is where I was born, but even though I was born a world away, I won’t forget. Thank you Spartacus.

  13. The picture that haunts my childhood is the one of a survivor of kommeno massacre who got crazy ever since. Everyday he was coming to my town near Kommeno and he relived the massacre. He was shouting : TAT TAT TAT TAT (machine gun sounds) HE FALLS DOWN , HE FALLS DOWN ( his picture of people falling down hit by bullets). I hope no human beeing will have such a cruel life as his…. History must teach us common sense….

  14. At the start of the video I noticed how easy I Clicked the Like button. I wondered if I have gotten jaded. NO, horror is horror and your poetry at the end was beautifully horrible. And, tears once again dripped for humanity. Thank you


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