Great White Open Ocean | An In-depth Interview with Director Jeff Kurr | discovery+

In 2020, expert shark diver Jimi Partington nearly died in the jaws of a great white. A year later, his triumphant comeback becomes a battle of life and death when he suffers a massive stroke. Hear firsthand from Shark Week director Jeff Kurr about the events that led up to Jimi’s attack and the unexpected twists and turns that pushed everyone to the limit.

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25 thoughts on “Great White Open Ocean | An In-depth Interview with Director Jeff Kurr | discovery+”

  1. What did this guy expect? You were putting a guy in a flimsy clear box, obviously the shark is going to be interested and think he was a snack. It's not the shark's fault and once again, this further feeds into the bad narrative that sharks are evil predators….smh

  2. Looked set up to me. This fake science is educating these animals. It is adding people as an option on shark menus in order to collect Money 💰. Not serious science but click bait to get people to bite.

  3. Those cages have been used for years to watch sharks and crocs so there's nothing new except how small it was. If he had PTSD for a year he possibly overloaded his mind. I say that because I know people who have wound themselves up so much they had a stroke, my mother was one of them so I wouldn't say they were unconnected. Whatever happened he did himself proudly.

  4. I love all these shark whisperers, stop trying to humanize sharks, why and when sharks attack is random and intermittent, it's just an instinctive reaction, there's ways to diminish the chances of being attacked, but the bottom line is there's not any single reason why they attack, instinct causes them to go for it, we're not on the usual menu but whether it's territorial or hunger, there's no rhyme or reason, wrong place, wrong time.

  5. That shark was gigantic! I have plastic cups in my cabinet stronger than that plastic box. Why would you think a shark that size couldn't smash that box into bits?

  6. Those who are critical of this video I believe may not have watched the film all the through. These professionals entering the water are Shark advocates. They are studying the sharks. They are trying to increase awareness of the beauty of these creatures and, in turn (as one benefit), reduce the harm done to them via 'sport' shark hunting. The professionals know how to handle themselves around these majestic animals and have a great deal of respect for them.They are fully aware they are putting themselves at risk whenever they enter the water, in an enclosure or not.

  7. Though attacks in NZ are somewhat rare, NZ Whites are known to be particularly surely and often finish the job instead of leaving like they do elsewhere. I would NOT get in that specific water. No no no. Lol.

  8. E wysocki 15238 48 train currently in motel 6 room 125 beechen drive at loriah Rd ; in crafton pgh pa 15205 Aug 2 2022 hi discovery sharks week first of all loved all the shark week stories Dwayne Johnson did a good job ; saw jack ass glad poopies got better in he's back in the water also the episodes on Jimmie Pattinson he's was a good diver sorry he had a stroke ! And we need to save these unpiditable animals ; one thing when their fins go bad they arch their back they show their teeth ; you back away slowly by watching them like the seals they attack you turn your back their on you rather to take a bite and cripple or mane you or kill you ; it's awful when they come back to kill any attack would be a nightmare with something maybe 20 feet long weighing in at 6 tons or more almost like being hit by freight train something in common so you see shark in ocean stay out go in next week or when ever same with trains if you wait on trains you never have to lose limbs or die ! God bless you 😀

  9. Here’s what kills me and it almost killed Jimmy. Is that they didn’t have an escape plan to get him out of there if something went wrong which it did. IMO they should’ve had a rope tied to the cage and tethered to the boat so he could grab a hold of the roping pool and self in instead of swimming like a duck. It looked funny but it was exciting

  10. I’d of had more than a sodding stroke if I’d experienced what Jimmy went through? I’m glad he’s on the mend but you reap what you sow. 🙏

  11. Its only a matter of time before someone gets EATEN filming Shark Week! The guy being interviewed is talking about UNDERSTANDING shark behavior?? Its an ANIMAL. You can't predict what they are going to do all the time! Its outrageous to think you can. I wonder what kind of insurance they carry?

  12. The 16 footer was a TEENAGER. Females aren't fertile until they're 18 feet. Lady Deep Blue is apparently at least 50 yrs old, and over 20 ft now. These twits were damn lucky they didn't meet HER!
    I grew up watching Cousteau as well. He was my hero.

  13. Why Don’t y’all Stop ✋🏼 Wearing All Black Swim Suits y’all Look 👀 like Seals 🦭 Why Don’t y’all Wear All White or Blue or Invisible 🫥 Something Different & Add a little Electricity to the Suit & you ain’t gotta worry abt a Thing!💯🤌🏻🤔🧐🤷‍♂️🤣😂


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