Great Victory from US Navy: US 7th Fleet has made Taiwan Defense strongest! China Navy withdrawing!

Great Victory from US Navy: US 7th Fleet has made Taiwan Defense strongest! China Navy withdrawing!


24 thoughts on “Great Victory from US Navy: US 7th Fleet has made Taiwan Defense strongest! China Navy withdrawing!”

  1. 9 Dash line locate in the Southrn Part of China use to protect main land China from Japan Korea and many other Southern countries from south.on Land where 9 Dash line locate not in the Ocean.

  2. China is the one trying to invade Taiwan. And they will have to face the US and the NATO partners. So China will end up fighting five or six. countries If the Chinese president is stupid enough to start a war with Taiwan.

  3. We will not abandon our friends we will help them in any way possible to stand up I guess the bully in the schoolyard nobody threatens us and we're not afraid to fight to the death

  4. China fence that they can threaten us they don't know that we're The Americans and they can't harm us we will destroy within 24 hours we defend our friends they think there's a big bully in the black my whole life has been beating up bullies in the black digits afraid

  5. Us navy will not stand by. But u can bet CCP gonna strike Taiwan pretty soon mark my words as former 7th fleet Navy man on tiger town USA city of champions permanent apt where I lived as kid in 1978. Ccp said they will take Taiwan by force if it does not do as ccp says

  6. The US is flexing its muscles in the SCS to protect Taiwan and the Philippines from Chinese invasion. Communist China wants to build more artificial islands in West Philippine Sea to militarized them to control the vast south china sea

  7. Let no one allow himself to be deceived for china's intentions are clear as bright daylight, it wants to steal the international waters of the West Pacific Ocean

  8. Standing for what is lawful and ready to enforce what is lawful the USA and it's allies are positioning itself to maximize it's power and reduce the influence of lawless nations like China and Russia.

  9. China is the one threatening the stability of the region not the Philippines, the USA, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia. China should look at what's happening to their ally Russia in Ukraine then maybe they back down in their aggression toward Taiwan .


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