Gravitas: 'Sleepy Joe' Saudi TV ridicules Joe Biden

A state-run Saudi TV network openly ridiculed Joe Biden & U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris in a comedy sketch. Molly Gambhir tells you how.

#Gravitas #Saudi #Biden

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21 thoughts on “Gravitas: 'Sleepy Joe' Saudi TV ridicules Joe Biden”

  1. Good!! USA Is a criminal war nation, destroying nations across this globe. As Romanian living in USA, these wars with Russia and China is not what I voted for. USA will fall hard and that day is coming sooner than ever.

  2. Brilliant. Love it. Biden "hay man MBS will you produce more oil" MBS "well we have to wait till August until Aramco meets with Aramco +" Biden "so that's a yes man" MBS "we will think about it" Biden "what about that journalist who you have killed in the Saudi embassy" MBS "what about abu grab & the American journalist who Israel killed" Biden "ah ya you have me there". August MBS "did you do that 30 billion in military contracts" Biden "ya MBS it's done. What about our oil deal" MBS "we had no deal & I spoke with Aramco + (Russia) & we can put out an extra 100,000 barrels a day" Biden " I thought we had deal" MBA "I thought we were a pariah state & I had to face the music" Biden "I was lying just to get the votes to get elected" MBS "well good by Mr Biden I have an important meeting" 😁


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