Gravitas: North Korea declares 'shining victory' over Covid-19

Kim Jong-Un has defeated the #WuhanVirus. At a state celebration, he declared a ‘miracle victory’ over the disease, as his officials shed tears. The victory is indeed a miracle, because North Korea doesn’t have any vaccines. Palki Sharma Upadhyay reports.

#NorthKorea #COVID #Gravitas

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21 thoughts on “Gravitas: North Korea declares 'shining victory' over Covid-19”

  1. It’s possible. They basically shielded themselves from the worst most deadly virus variants. They seem to only have had massive spread with Omicron à which has been largely very mild.

    So I do think it’s very possible.

    Bear in mind Africa also has a very low vaccination rate, but low death toll and generally no covid restrictions since late last year.

  2. Kim Jong-Un must be smart.
    Xi is NOT smart, CCP virus runs rampant in chingaland.
    Xi is NOT smart, cannot stop flooding, built dams in WRONG placed.
    CCP don't care about china, otherwise the CCP wouldn't transferr huge amounts of money off shore.
    Xi NOT smart.

  3. The virus never came from China.
    It came from Nancy Pelosi stealing from North America funds for brewing up poisoning so she can stay a speaker for another round.
    Stop blaming China
    Blame the British monarchy Elizabeth for trying to bully her way into stealing from North America for another 99 years.
    *Instead of the British monarchy. Do something right for once, before tomorrow is too late like yesterday was

  4. Was the virus even real or it was one way of western powers in conjunction with companies to make money in Pharmaceuticals , we out here never took anything n we still very alive


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