Gravitas LIVE | India, Russia partnership: Western media trying to create a rift? | Global Headlines

Tonight on Gravitas:
– India-Russia ties: Western Media trying to create rift?
– Iran unrest
– Saudi Arabia signs deal with Huawei
– Row over Twitter’s ‘Secret’ list
– Are we headed for a Tridemic?

#GravitasLive #India #Russia

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44 thoughts on “Gravitas LIVE | India, Russia partnership: Western media trying to create a rift? | Global Headlines”

  1. I don’t want to defend the clerics, but I have a Model 12, and I’m pretty sure that if I shot you point blank in the face with even low-brass birdshot, your head will be at least partly removed.

  2. Of course the western media is trying to create a rift, they are desperate too, the CIA is having an ongoing heart attack as it watches those nations they thought were firmly under their thiumbs, slipping away from them.

  3. Russians have a great soul and human to human understanding in their culture, west can never value Indians and India as Indians as Russia, never leave Russian friendship, our hearts should be with Russia, west has huge ego problem and disconnect with India, they are always searching for your weak time, while Russians help in distress, for sake of humanity we should be in solidarity with Russia.

  4. USA as immoral & evil than any supposed external threat. Bias & discrimination among immoral character of USA character while domestic abuses & atrocities include abduction torture injury persecution upon on an honorable USN retiree that are still indulged obfuscated deflected externalized while confronting systemic corruption kleptocracy abusers violators in Ohio, California, Veteran's Administration, conniving parasitic NGOs, include complicit bribed legal firms among corruption & malfeasance prevalent in USA,…won't get attention when exposing atrocities since USA is an evil nation & immoral people. Russia or else will help me before USA does.
    In USA, there are moral people sympathetic with Russia. With due consideration for safety of innocent people including Ukraine, but awful reckless harmful policy beside human rights violations with atrocities been promoted & indulged by USA, international & domestic, since characterized by prevalent malfeasance, kleptocracy, institution & systemic corruption that readily abscond, heist, abuse, abduct, harm, torture, terrorize, & persecute moral citizens especially honorable dissident endure retaliation.
    Veteran's Administration commit atrocities & egregious human rights violations that won't get exposed by media, prevalent malfeasance, kleptocracy, & systemic corruption bribe obstruct obfuscate & suppress beside harass & terrorize … immorality beyond usual abuse abscond heist fraud neglect negligence undeservedly imposed socio-econ disparity while indulge conniving parasitic exploitation & institutional graft among state county city along with corporateer profiteer NGO dubious charity front facade shell scam beside law firms among others that are on the dole grift & take.
    USA been heinously immoral, commits atrocities & human rights violations upon at least one honorable military retiree beside abscond heist impose undeserved disparity, negligence malevolence retaliation without support or protection from further harm since suppressed obfuscated from exposure because malfeasance & systemic corruption inherent with Veterans Administration along with conniving parasitic exploitation among state county city corporateer NGO profiteer especially media …despite obstruction threats harassment there are court filings available for information on legal action.
    USA been immoral & commits atrocities with retaliation by Veteran's Affairs personnel that perpetrate abduction torture injure persecution terrorism among violations & atrocities imposed upon at least one military retiree but obstruction, disparity, malfeasance, conniving parasitic exploitation, bribery, fraud prevalent among systemic institutional corruption with Veterans Administration state county city beside corporateer profiteer NGO front facade shell scam scheme that abscond heist harm impose socio-econ disparity beside atrocities with retaliation reprisal persecution by systematic injustice. Should be aware expose impose accountability for those human rights violations that happened in San Diego CA, Chillicothe Columbus Lancaster OH, among others that have been involved with crimes & atrocities.
    ScAmerika has no GDP, it's an immoral fascist systemically corrupt kleptocracy, perpetually bailing out, propping up, subsidizing fraud-ridden manipulated distorted perverted markets infiltrated institutions among else propped-up with persistent fiat, corporateer, bankste, conniving parasitic profiteer NGO front shell scam scheme. Worse, as indulge systemic corruption then abscond heist harm impose disparity upon mitary retirees.
    ScAmerika has no GDP, it's an immoral fascist systemically corrupt kleptocracy, perpetually bailing out, propping up, subsidizing fraud-ridden manipulated distorted perverted markets infiltrated institutions among else propped-up with persistent fiat, corporateer, bankste, conniving parasitic profiteer NGO front shell scam scheme.
    Evil exists here … abduction, injury, torture, persecution among violations & atrocities; beware that others as indulgent include complicit shills among an horrific administration, infiltrated institutions, despotism, & systemic corruption worse than any evil in the world. We supposedly defend from threats elsewhere but that's a ruse since there are dangerous domestic enemies among Veteran's Administration (prevalent from San Diego CA to Columbus OH) beside malfeasance among numerous conniving parasitic corporateer profiteer NGOs & else that abscond, heist, & harm while impose socio-econ disparity, repress, & retaliate with atrocities indulged by systemic corruption, deserving exposure & accountability for abuse, harm, & crimes. Whether that happens depends upon any courageous honest people that may exist but doubtful since USA has deteriorated into kleptocracy, systemic corruption, systematic injustice, deviance, perversion, dishonesty, & immorality.
    Takes discipline to control expressed disappointment & indignation deserved toward these aberrant deviant harmful conditions.
    Kleptocrats conniving parasites complicit shills abscond misappropriate fiat via earmarks & malfeasance for laundering through those supposed nonprofit NGO profiteer front facade shell scam externalize impose upon innocent citizens … Wise up stand up confront & hold these kleptocrat.corporateer accountable.

  5. India should tell Russia it can’t treat protesters against the war the way they do but that might jeopardise the cheap oil prices that fence sitting benefits from. A spade is a spade.

  6. Sounds like both Putin and Modi are idiots and dependent on western and any other media
    India is so much indebted and committed to Russia that it will not and cannot play any constructive role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine
    And that’s a fact of the matter

  7. OMG! Murder their own people specially women and teens? NATO attacked libian govt. for killing majority men during the protests. Why not do the same thing now and free those poor people?

  8. Western news media agencies words must be totatally dismissed as rants of drunkards.
    Western news media agencies work closely with US Whitehouse and congress to push US war economy. Like always, no war errupts without a spurred and fueled division. Its main objective now is to divide the BRICS alliance because US fears the inevitable consequence of their criminal politics which has been falsely monetizing its Greenback dollar. An alliance between 5 countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and Saudi Arabic is the backbone of the world economy based of their leadership in technology, energy and metal production. It is the correct alliance becausr their commodities directly back the value of government currencies in place of gold which the US have dissociated from its Greenback dollar on August 15, 1971. Accross all the satisfactory facts presented in this Gravitas video report in honor full common sense, the Western news media agency's comments are divisive formed with guile and untruth spun in baseless words of the world. They are to be ignored.

  9. Depending on Russia is not a good idea. I don't think Putin will be of much support if China, decides to invade India and I don't believe America will feel like shedding its own blood in defense of a fence sitter.


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