Gravitas: Iran bombs Kurds amid anti-hijab unrest

Several people were killed after Iranian armed forced bombed Kurdish targets in Iraq for the third time in five days. Iraq responded by summoning the Iranian envoy in Baghdad. Is the anti-hijab unrest spiraling into a broader conflict? Priyanka Sharma tells you.

#Gravitas #Iran #AntiHijabProtest

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36 thoughts on “Gravitas: Iran bombs Kurds amid anti-hijab unrest”

  1. VION loves to broadcast this Hijab saga news, and very quick to condemn people who died in Hijab crisis, but never once condemned when innocent muslim is lynched and killed for transporting a cow.
    His crime for being killed? Transporting a cow. Yeah ? Prove me wrong.
    All under blessings of BJP Government.
    So fix your house first before taking a joy ride.
    Ppl who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others.

  2. We, the people of Iran, are shouting loudly that WE DO NOT WANT ISLAMIC REPUBLIC, we want a secular democratic government, make our voice known to the world 🙏🏻👊🏻🔥🔥🔥

  3. Iranian are not Arabs, they are Persians and their religion was Zorastrian.
    They should leave that Mafia controlled cult and follow the religion of their ancestors.
    Simple as that..

  4. Muslims are proud of Iran today, but Iran must be aware of one thing, what happened to other Muslim countries, including Iraq, Syria, Libya, in the hands of the murderous robbers of America, so no matter can be underestimated, it must be controlled with a strict hand, and not backing down in anything. Iran will not be able to attack the enemy before Iran is attacked, if it dares to advance, no one will be able to stop it by the grace of Allah, InshaAllah, and everything is permissible in the field of war and love.

  5. duh, ofcourse the United States is fueling these protest. They may all look Iranian but just like in Libya there are a lot of Arabs who resemble that nationality, who are injected by the west to put on the specter of an uprising. The US has been seeking regime change for decades. I hope Iran crushes these protests swiftly and violently if necessary. Long live Persia.

  6. NO ladies’HIJAB found in the Quran.
    The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but not for ladies.

    The word is KHIMAR in the Quran24:31
    – Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING,
    it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc.

    There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran,
    but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted it
    – by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations

    – AND also these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings
    – ask them : WHEN and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from?

    We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran
    – now the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran – see where it is used again.

    They should know when the same root word is used for intoxicants even then it’s used for COVER
    – any intoxicant or alcohol COVERS the ability inside the mind – NOTE : it does not cover the hair or outer-head.

    – transliteration of Quran24.31: “yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna”
    [Plurals : khumur, juyoob]

    – The importance is about : ..put forth the Khimars OVER THE JAYBs…

    Jayb just means OPENING, — like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket – is a jayb
    (or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where the Jayb is.

    they took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion

    How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world – promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands?

    IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran – coz every secondary source should match with the Quran
    AND they should not add words in translations.

    The other verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB – it’s about wearing loose clothing, where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and not harassed”
    So the condition is to be recognised :
    how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully – like a tent?
    – so avoid tight clothing — it’s really simple as per Quran.

    Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran – word by word.
    And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.

  7. UN commission on Human Rights, where have been all this time? They have murdered over 70 youngsters, and now you come out and say a few words as if that is going to change anything. The abusive Islamic government of Iran has arrested over 1,200 young people, turtured them, have broken both of their legs. Now what? You are going to come out and say a few more words? How will that change anything? Why don't you send an official UN commission to go and do investigation, visit the prisons in Iran. Bring those responsible in to an International hearing by nutral pannel of judges. The gov't of Iran bombed northern Iraqi's provinces and murdered civilians, and yet to UN and the United States it is all jokes. Why don't you do your due delligence and at least do what you have really been established for? It is human rights you have to defend and you fail to do so. What a shame.

  8. Ive said it before i say it again, nothing is going to happen. all these deaths are meaningless when they control everything, Army, national guard, police and media and everything else. WASTE OF TIME.

  9. These protesters are fooled by western countries, to destroy Iran. Iran is growing and western countries don't want it. And heavily armed opposition Kurds shouldn't even exist. No country will tolarate that.


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