Gravitas: Has Pakistan become a 'suicide state'?

A suicide blast in Islamabad killed one policeman & injured 6 others. The TTP has claimed responsibility for the attack. Priyanka Sharma asks: Has the pre-eminent guardian of suicide missions now become a suicide state?
#pakistan #bomb #wion

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40 thoughts on “Gravitas: Has Pakistan become a 'suicide state'?”

  1. Battle hardened Taliban cannot and will not agree for any kind of peace, not within itself, not with Pakistan and definitely not with the world. Pakistani Stan and the USA are responsible for this chaos.

  2. Let’s not beat around the bush. If anybody becomes infected with the deadly virus called Islam, his or her entire brain gets destroyed! They are incapable of rational thoughts or ideas. It’s nothing but total mental retardation, absolute lunacy! Until and unless you totally destroy this arrant lunacy and disinfect the whole world, there is no hope for humanity!

  3. Whats the big deal, Pakistan was a country founded on Islamic law. TTP wants Islamic Law, so let them accept with open arms.
    Only problem is Imran cannot use his ungli peeche se anymore lol.


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