Graham Hancock – Ancient Apocalypse: The Most Dangerous Show On Netflix | PART 1/2

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Graham Hancock is an intrepid journalist, filmmaker and bestselling author. Graham’s career started over 40 years ago in the hustle and bustle of Fleet Street as a writer for many of Britain’s leading newspapers including The Times, The Guardian, The Observer and The Independent where his attention focused mainly on stories of economic and social development.


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35 thoughts on “Graham Hancock – Ancient Apocalypse: The Most Dangerous Show On Netflix | PART 1/2”

  1. When I fill out any paperwork, and it asks what my ( race ) is , I always just put ( HUMAN )!!! And when they see that, they look at me like im an alien !!! As if there was more than one race .

  2. Just incredibly intriguing!! Let’s get this important information out to everyone. We do not have an accurate account of our own history. Isn’t that frustrating?!? I can’t stand that truth is withheld or manipulated to serve agendas. Let’s figure out our true history.

  3. Graham, please keep doing your shows they are so fascinating and entertaining. I logically think 🤔 you are completely right, you and Carlson are fantastic. Never let the matrix stop 🛑 your amazing work !!!!!!! ❤

  4. This hunter gatherer shit is dumb right out of the box. Worms gather, bees gather, matter fact any damn thing that eats gathers. One minute he claims exterestrial the next he dumbs down the human race, whatever aligns with his wokism

  5. There are "competing narratives". You cannot compete with those sharp independent researchers…you can only compete with your boring historians, with silly repeaters…and offer your personal alternative. Also wrong.

  6. Mr. Rose 🌹, we Bulgarians appreciate you so much! If you could bring Ashayana Deane to that chair, it would be revolutionary.. greetings from the land of the rose.

  7. Any Press is good press! Donald Trump proved that in 2016.The more shit these naysayers pour on you the more people will be curious about your work. Keep up the good fight Graham!!!

  8. Who is it that considers theories and anslyses of the past 'dangerous'?
    Ideas supported by considerable evidence as this is or unsupported are not ' dangerous ' they are important and deserve to be engaged with until proven, disproven or awaiting more evidence.

  9. Thank you. Whats with the Bible´s view of History. The Ancient Apocalypse was the Flood of Noah. Why do you not consider the Bible to be historically true? Or have you?. Best regards. RM

  10. He is describing the Climate "settled science" and Sun as the center of the Universe eras. Group think and who funds them is everything. Academia and the Church want control, not clarity.

  11. At the end, it's all about control…whoever has powers wants to control others…Some people who bad mouth people w/o knowing them are like ants in the house, very annoying!


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