Government's new fuel efficiency standards 'impossible’

Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie says the Albanese government is promising more than it can deliver with its new fuel efficiency standards.

From next year new cars sold in Australia will be subject to tough emissions standards with the government’s aim to drive down emissions and accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles.

The rules will impose a cap on the total emissions that can be produced by any one manufacturer’s fleet of cars.

Manufacturers will need to reduce the total emissions of their fleet by more than 60 per cent by 2030.

“I think there are some serious questions about how you can drive down emissions by 60 per cent in six years,” Ms McKenzie told Sky News Australia.

“This policy is asking Australians to change fundamentally who they are and how they think about their relationship with their car.

“I want to see cleaner cars, absolutely, but I want them to still be affordable and Australians to buy the cars they want and right now, the government’s saying we can do all three at the same time.

“It can’t, it’s actually impossible to get the emission profile they want over the next six years, make sure we’ve got affordable cars in the types of models we drive here in Australia.”


26 thoughts on “Government's new fuel efficiency standards 'impossible’”

  1. We are STRUGGLING with Mortages, Food and JUST SURVIVING. NEVER Buy a Chinese Car. 6 MONTHS in the Mechanics and They CANT GET the PARTS.!! Put another part in it and you LOOSE WARRANTY. And WHO can AFFORD THIS?? NO one i know is getting new cars at the moment. And we DONT have The FUEL for these Cars.

  2. We do not have the infrastructurer in place to handle the charging, many people do not live in domestic situations that enable charging to be practical e.g, Flats Apartment buildings etc, Insurance companies are more likely to write off an EV following a crash as there is a worry about a battery fire in a situation where the fire could spread, panel beaters don't want them inside their shops because a damaged EV can be a time bomb if a damaged cell fires up. A fire in a tunnel following an EV crash could kill many people because the temperature of an EV battery fire is many times worse than a petrol fire and in the close proximity with the other vehicle involved you could have the Luton car park fire in the tunnel packed with people trapped in their cars. Also, the amount of energy and polution the comes from the mining of the necessary ingredients is enormous. The authorities in Melbourne have forbidden the EV cement mixer trucks from using the tunnels probably? because of the truck that self immolated recently. Some people have resorted torunning extension cords accross a footpath to charge in the street, now there is a Lawyers picnic if someone gets electrocuted.

  3. Senator Bridget Mckenzie, saying if you can afford an electric car….Granted electric car are often expensive, but getting cheaper with the MG4 and BYD Dolphin both have models of around 40,000 dollars, and the reason to have fuel efficiency standards is to get more range of lower emission cars brought to Australia, including electric cars, and electric utes to australia. And what about the opportunity for all the houses with solar panels to charge their car,almost for free at home vs the high cost of petrol. Sad very few comments talk about the need for Australia to reduce our greenhouse emissions. If we don't want more climate extremes to get worse such as floods, and bushfires, which are devastating to the people affected, but also very expensive for people and governments to fix infrastructure or to re-build houses e.g. the recent record floods in Lismore. Also if Coalition always has lower taxes than labor as she claims, why did they bring in the GST?

  4. There is NO EQUIVALENT

    This is two topics. Emissions standards
    And Efficiency standards This woeman has NO IDEA
    THE ONLY WAY to reduce CO2 at the exhaust is reduce the amount of fuel burnt
    The emissions shit on the cars prevents THAT

    EGR. reduces air density thus reducing engine efficiency and power and the ability to burn all The fuel clean
    So let's add more gear
    DPF burns more fuel to fix the mistake of The EGR

  5. These draconian standards are all about forcing us into buying the E.C Death traps with the fire risk that will create death & destrution on a DAILY basis. This desperate control freakery is as a result of the need for politicians complying with the W.E.F 'incentives' to push E.Vs.

  6. This whole conversation missed a critical, absolutely crucial point about our situation in Australia: we live on the biggest island on the planet, and most of that island is vast farming country and desert. There are no electric cars that can work that terrain. We go for a diesel Hilux with extended fuel tank because if it can't do more than 1000kms to a tank, we won't be guaranteed the next fuel station let alone a successful trip! And rather than spending 15-20 minutes filling your car, paying for your fuel, having a chinwag with the roadhouse staff and grabbing an iced coffee, you'll be spending a good half a day next to a loud diesel generator (if they even have one) that allowed EVs to be recharged. IF, and this is a huge if, carbon reduction is to be a possible goal for Australia in vehicles, then hybrids NEED to have their highway range extended. Yet we can't even get that. And hybrids are no longer the golden child of the emissions reduction lobby – they're becoming as disliked as pure ICE vehicles! If electric had even a potential of Buckley's to be a valid alternative, then hybrids using half the fuel to go the same distance as a 70 Series with equal or greater torque MUST be achieved first. Yet that is the opposite of reality – on the open road (much less bouncy, boggy, rough dirt roads and dusty tracks) hybrids have REDUCED range compared to their ICE equivalents. Pure EVs are even worse! They don't have the pulling power, the off road capacity, the range, the reliability, the efficiency, the price, or anything at all, to make them a true competitor to a diesel alternative. So in effect, what these new standards mean (and keep in mind our options will be reduced anyway as the UK and EU remove all ICE's from circulation over the next decade in their markets) is that rural and remote Australia, and anyone who transits rural and remote Australia, will be effectively cut off and ignored as our options disappear. Already the ridiculous restrictions and extras on diesels make life almost impossible – everything from urea additives (like AdBlu) that become unobtainable as supply goes up and down – and can't be bypassed when the additive tank runs out – through to DPF's that start bushfires better than a blowtorch in the long grass on a dry summers day in a eucalypt forest – as they burn hotter than the sun on steroids – these already place an unreasonable and unparalleled burden on rural and remote life. With these added proposed changes, that situation will make camel trains and bullock teams look like efficient, reasonable options in the near future! If they're not banned due to "methane emissions"! I mean, it's like this government doesn't want Australia to exist west of the Great Dividing Range! I'll tell you this for free – I won't accept that proposal lying down! And I know I'm not alone in that!

  7. Bolocks! This is not about polluting cars. Modern cars pollute very little. This is all about "emissions", meaning CO2. The truth is, CO2 is NOT a polutant, and CO2 does not control world's temperature. So the demented politicians are destroying our economies, our way of live and basically the lives of future generations. It is time people will open their eyes, vote these loosers out, and tell them where they should stick their climate change con.

  8. Yes, it is impossible. But what will the Coalition do about it?
    My prediction is they will do nothing but keep to the lies of Labor. I can't tell the difference between this woman's blather and Chris Bowen.


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