‘Government incompetence’ for energy crisis ‘goes back decades’

Writer and broadcaster Esther Krakue says the UK’s energy crisis is due to the economy re-adjusting from COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war however the “biggest part” is due to “government incompetence”.

“It’s very disingenuous to tell us that to defeat Russia we need to cut our energy supplies,” she told Sky News host Rowan Dean.

“Actually put the blame where it belongs which is government incompetence, which goes back for decades really.”


23 thoughts on “‘Government incompetence’ for energy crisis ‘goes back decades’”

  1. Incredible cowardice, collaboration and incompetence here too. This "Climate Change" rhetoric is deliberately designed to destroy the western society and line the pockets of the weakest, least deserving human monsters on this planet. And the moron plebs just keep falling for it.

  2. All Politicians with WEF connections need to be jailed. Solar panels are made from some lovely toxic chemicals like cadmium, antimony, mercury and selenium. They take a lot of energy to manufacture (usually from a coal fired power station) and a lot of energy to safely recycle to remove those chemicals. Putting them into landfill is extremely dangerous as the chemicals can leach into the water table.

  3. 👍the KEY WORD “ SUBSIDISEC“!!..if the Sheep 🐑 don’t want to look up( never had) – it’s Not just their Shearing that’ll turn them into Soylent Green Wafers! I always Respected & Looked Up to AU , EU, … but? ‘ What happened?… did your balls drop off ‘- so asked Keith Ledgers JOKER! Ohh PS- & GIVE UP All your Arms & Rifles/ just let the. Gov’t take them. Make it a Bloodless-Clean Sweep & Easier on Big Brother. After all- you’ve been Voting them in & Paying their Salaries/ Mistresses/ Holiday Bungalows/ UN-Challenged 💰Expense Accounts. So Why stop Now?! God Bless & Keep the Faith. 👴🏼NoBody. ( and I KNOW! I KNOW! “MY” U.S.A. Has/ Is Circling down the Crapper. Only thing left now is the Crying. Or putting 💵💵💵 on the DON’T PASS Line!

  4. What no one is talking about is the high cost of fuel is affecting food production and transportation. High diesel prices are going to result in empty supermarket shelves. No amount of renewable energy can fix this. We don't have electric farm machinery or semi trailers.
    That Gallah Bowen is totally deluded.

  5. Brexit was difficult to acheive when in the nearly 4 years since Boris became PM, 2.5 years of shutdown & with the economy in the tanks since March 2020.
    It is the rush for failed & failing renewables that are a major part of the energy (electricity) supply & high price are the problem. Lack of Petrol & Diesel, again lack of supply & high price are other major problems. It is the Governments on hands & knees grovelling before the "Greens" & W*F, that is killing, UK EU, with increased inflation to over 10%<, killing US, Australia, NZ

  6. All Labor and the Greens are doing is passing laws to shut down coal and fired power plants. And they that's how they will destroy the electricity grid.

    They base their policies on emotions not facts. Climate change has happened for millions of years without man's intervention.

    You can't play God and reverse climate change. Clearly Russia and China are watching on – pissing themselves laughing at idiots like Labor and Greens.

    This is what happens when people who don't understand life or have egos that are to soft. Don't get it – you go ask someone what works.

    Labor and the Greens are banning coal and gas based on the fact – they are selling something that can't be achieved. You can;t play God and reverse climate change.

    Reversing climate change is simply not possible. Water is the biggest climate change factor affecting the earth's climate. It covers 75% of the planets surface – also exists as ice on the polar ice caps – snow – rain – fog. Water is a solid and solids retain heat or cold.

    Blaming a gas that is by product of humans and animals breathing – and things like coal and gas being burnt. Is more of a political witch hunt then science.

    We don't know if Co2 is as bad as they say. Co2 is currently 0.407% of the atmosphere and a gas – Co2 only holds heat on the very narrow infrared light band spectrum. Naturally Pacific Island leaders have issues of over population and less land due to better health and food conditions. So, if your left wing idiot rocks up and says your island is surrounded by water due to climate change. We will give you money. They are going to think to themselves I am going to play these bunnies for all it's worth. And take their money and run like hell.

    And ice core drilling shows when Co2 is more prevalent is when the climate is warmer.

    And so the climate change fairies say because, Co2 shows up in old ice cores it's the culprit for the past climate warming.

    What they have failed to see. Is it is a product of a warmer climate. And it's levels in old ice cores – are simply an indicator the climate was warmer at certain times in the past.

    So the information is misused and misquoted. A warmer climate means more Co2 is what makes the planet greener and helps plant life. If something is the by product of natural living systems of the planet – that is not a cause – that is simply an indicator of increased life on the planet.

    It's like blaming someone who witnessed a crime for the crime. Co2 in old cores is simply one of the easiest ways to find a witness mark to those past events.

    However what no-one understands. Is Labor or the Greens don't know what they are doing. Sure they will tell you things based on emotions. You can fix this – it's bad – we must fix it. It's emotional stuff. They don't want you to look at the facts. As the facts they present are invented and anyone objective material is deleted to hide their lies.

    And green energy machines you have to increase mining by over tenfold to equal the the same amount of energy output as coal or gas in terms of energy density. There simply is not enough minerals in the ground – mining companies are flagging that now – on minerals such as lithium. And mining companies should know. They know what's being mined now – and what new mines are coming on line soon.

    The fact any science is shut down that contradicts the climate change cult – is no the issue of climate change, is no different to identifying witches in the Middle Ages.

    That is how dumb left wing politicians think people are. They really do take everyone to be fools. Don't think for a minute they know what they are really doing – in the sense they understand the science and the engineering of generating electricity.

    And the other big question is. Why have they picked on generating electricity as the big issue that causes climate change.

    Answer – they are to stupid for their own good. And don't understand over a 100 years industry worked out the cheapest way to produce electricity.

    The left is convinced that shutting down coal and gas fired electricity plants and stopping gas drilling and coal mining is going to save the planet. No. It's going to create a huge shortages that people don't understand will cause huge problems such as basic food items and you wont have electricity to run your house. That's how dumb and dangerous Labor and the Greens are.

  7. These energy prices and the so-called crisis is simply self engineered by the corporate elites, because if energy was cheap, there be no incentive to invest money in renewables to get return on investment adequate for the risk, so they have set about engineering circumstances to skyrocket the prices game the system in order to push us all towards a technology that doesn’t actually exist yet

  8. Nothing ever happens until it becomes a crisis. And then it’s too late.

    As soon as somebody says: “maybe we should do this because…” they are usually attacked by people who can’t do anything or see anything and when it happens those same people are nowhere to be seen. In the Governments case they are usually retired on a big super package or in another job and “can’t recall”.

  9. It's not an accident it's economic terrorism by those in government, every terrorist MP, terrorist Lord and terrorist civil servant has to be removed just like Jihadi John.

  10. We have the same 🤡 🐂💩 in 🇦🇺 why do we pay for power and then we bloody pay with subsidies our 💸💰💸💸 wasting need coal fossil fuel ⛽ for ever 👍 cost of living is the most important. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺😎


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